What did you do with your flock today?

Still the three but did not expect any for 2 more days.
That kind of makes it a hassle with egg soccer. Do yours mostly hatch at night? Mine do but I always put them in in the eves so maybe that is why. I'll get updated photos bumbye.
Also, it was not Geegee who was standing tall, it was the other owl faced, less fluffy darker one.
What am I doing with my flock today? Well, cleaning up and out 3 mealworms bins and starting a few new ones. Chickens always love days like today 😋
I think the same when I see your photos. I'm like why doesn't my place look as clean and organized as @fd's? Then I look down and see my answer... them. View attachment 3012189
The amount of dust and dirt my little monsters dig up is saddening and I often hear about it from my DH.
Oh trust me, my yard is pretty messy too. :lau
Such a gorgeous flock!
Went for a blood draw this morning :caf
Had three hatch they are playing bowling for dollars now ..
Nothing really wrong with me just no thyroid so check to see if med it is right level..View attachment 3012547
Congrats on the babies!

We drove back down to the humane society today to adopt more of them. Two boys, Ernie and Egg. Ernie was there when we got the first two, but he was bought in that day so he wasn’t available. He and Bert were cellmates. XD
I saw Egg on the website, and he’s so interesting so we got him too. Plus it’s better to have an even number, and you can’t really integrate just one, amiright?

Anyways, here’s the pictures of the new aviary, both with and without stuff.

And then my children!


Bert and Egg love each other. They met, and have acted like long lost lovers. It’s adorable, but totally unexpected. I thought she and Ernie would be the besties. XD


And finally, King Louis. I actually discovered he’s probably a Queen Louis, but he’ll always be a king to me. XD

Overall, I am one very happy father. <3

We drove back down to the humane society today to adopt more of them. Two boys, Ernie and Egg. Ernie was there when we got the first two, but he was bought in that day so he wasn’t available. He and Bert were cellmates. XD
I saw Egg on the website, and he’s so interesting so we got him too. Plus it’s better to have an even number, and you can’t really integrate just one, amiright?

Anyways, here’s the pictures of the new aviary, both with and without stuff.
View attachment 3013170View attachment 3013171View attachment 3013172
And then my children!
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View attachment 3013173View attachment 3013180
Bert and Egg love each other. They met, and have acted like long lost lovers. It’s adorable, but totally unexpected. I thought she and Ernie would be the besties. XD
View attachment 3013184View attachment 3013185
View attachment 3013179
And finally, King Louis. I actually discovered he’s probably a Queen Louis, but he’ll always be a king to me. XD
View attachment 3013181View attachment 3013178
Overall, I am one very happy father. <3
Wow! That aviary is amazing!!! Great job...I'm just super impressed!

You truly are a bird whisperer! Egg is already posing for you like a super model. He's lovely, btw. It's super cute that he and Bert became fast friends right away. 🥰
Wow! That aviary is amazing!!! Great job...I'm just super impressed!

You truly are a bird whisperer! Egg is already posing for you like a super model. He's lovely, btw. It's super cute that he and Bert became fast friends right away. 🥰
Thank you! I love how quick they’re all getting along. Ernie was temporarily banished from the friend group because he was being a butthole, but all I did was move him on to a different shelf. The others would probably still let him back on, but he’s too busy sulking. XD

We drove back down to the humane society today to adopt more of them. Two boys, Ernie and Egg. Ernie was there when we got the first two, but he was bought in that day so he wasn’t available. He and Bert were cellmates. XD
I saw Egg on the website, and he’s so interesting so we got him too. Plus it’s better to have an even number, and you can’t really integrate just one, amiright?

Anyways, here’s the pictures of the new aviary, both with and without stuff.
View attachment 3013170View attachment 3013171View attachment 3013172
And then my children!
View attachment 3013174View attachment 3013175View attachment 3013176View attachment 3013183
View attachment 3013173View attachment 3013180
Bert and Egg love each other. They met, and have acted like long lost lovers. It’s adorable, but totally unexpected. I thought she and Ernie would be the besties. XD
View attachment 3013184View attachment 3013185
View attachment 3013179
And finally, King Louis. I actually discovered he’s probably a Queen Louis, but he’ll always be a king to me. XD
View attachment 3013181View attachment 3013178
Overall, I am one very happy father. <3
Oh. I. Lub. Them. ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡!
Great aviary. Bravo team doodle!!
My heart just skipped a beat because they are so beautiful. Just terrific. Big mahalos for the share!
Thank you! I love how quick they’re all getting along. Ernie was temporarily banished from the friend group because he was being a butthole, but all I did was move him on to a different shelf. The others would probably still let him back on, but he’s too busy sulking. XD
Pigeon drama! Boy, giving chickens a run for their theatrical dollars. 😅

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