What did you do with your flock today?

My little buff hen is doing better. Almost back to normal but not perfectly perfect yet. I am happy and thank you all for your good thoughts. She is def going in the right directing into full recovery.
Scraped boards and said good morning to the gang. I let them out a little early as I don't know what my day will bring. DH hurt his knee pretty good last eve so I imagine imaging is in our near future as soon as we get doc approval.
K. On horse duty. Have an awesome day all.
My little buff hen is doing better. Almost back to normal but not perfectly perfect yet. I am happy and thank you all for your good thoughts. She is def going in the right directing into full recovery.
Scraped boards and said good morning to the gang. I let them out a little early as I don't know what my day will bring. DH hurt his knee pretty good last eve so I imagine imaging is in our near future as soon as we get doc approval.
K. On horse duty. Have an awesome day all.
I'm really glad your girl is doing better. I bet you're relieved about that.

Yikes!!! Your DH needs to be more careful. First getting thrown from Cisco, now this. Poor guy. 🤕 I hope the imaging just shows ouchy bruising and nothing serious. 🙏🤞
Your DH needs to be more careful.
Hahahahhahhhaaaaaa! My black cat of a husband. He is the most accident prone person I've ever met. It is seriously exhausting.

Have to admit cheating dinner bought lasagna at Costco
Sounds like my dinner last eve cept with a nice salad 😉 and tonight as leftovers are the best!
Hahahahhahhhaaaaaa! My black cat of a husband. He is the most accident prone person I've ever met. It is seriously exhausting.
I hear ya. Yes, exhausting.
Sounds like my dinner last eve cept with a nice salad 😉 and tonight as leftovers are the best!
Ramen dressed up with extra soy sauce, sesame oil and hot pepper flakes....with a bowl of cut up apples for dessert. Weird...but it worked for me. 🤣
Going to a apple pie tomorrow.. So the Son came held each one the one actaully flew from his hand up to his shoulder

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