What did you give your chickies today?

My girls got fresh spinach diced apples tomatoes and rice. I think Gabby my foodie wanted oatmeal she came to see what else was in the bowl while I checked for eggs.
I bought a new bale of hay today and the birds got all the little scraps and seeds left over from the last bale. I store my hay in a barrel to keep out mice and just emptied the barrel into the chicken run.

They were scratching away till bedtime and will probably be at it for hours tomorrow. They love all the seeds and bits this hay has in it.
First the got bread, then they got yogert, then they got cabbage , then they got some cheese I cut up in pieces, ( that was a huge hit lol). And just to put them back into there pen, I gave them a bunch of dried meal worms. Happy happy chickens today!
This thread is fun! I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts. It was cold today so I gave my chickens some hot oatmeal with cranberries mixed in as well as some warm bread - they proceeded to run away from it. As far as I know they still haven't touched it!
This thread is fun! I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts. It was cold today so I gave my chickens some hot oatmeal with cranberries mixed in as well as some warm bread - they proceeded to run away from it. As far as I know they still haven't touched it!

Welcome to BYC from CA.

They are fussy some times. Yesterday I cut some apples in half and put them out for them to snack on did they touch them no but they do like apples as long as I dice them up really small for them. This morning I gave mine warm rice with spring mix salad mix, diced tomatoes, apples, and baby spinach. Some days they just need a change just like us. I will take warm oatmeal out and they jump right in other days not so much and if there is nothing green in there they walk off. Ungrateful is all, I remind them that they could have been born to live life in a cage and be just producers of eggs. I have moved my fingers around in the food to get them to think that I am eating and it calls their attention back to the meal being offered. Have fun.
I am not letting my girls read this they do not get treats! I do give them all the leftovers and take collards and kale from the garden. I have to split it between 150 girls so alternate groups so as not to spoil one group.
I am not letting my girls read this they do not get treats! I do give them all the leftovers and take collards and kale from the garden. I have to split it between 150 girls so alternate groups so as not to spoil one group.

If we had a 150 chickens they would not be fed as well and we would have to have a garden for them. We only have six so in exchange for the eggs we give them room and board and feed well not as well as some but better than others. My husband aspires to have many more to sell the eggs they are work but he will have to do that while I attend to my 6 girls. I have had people tell them I could cook my chickens with out seasoning since they eat cilantro, parsley, squashes, onion tops etc....I do not like hearing that they are also my pets. My son said I should not be naming my food. These 6 are not food.
My girls ( all 8 ) got raisins, and alfalfa pellets soaked then yogert added . Dried bread and dried waffles. Tomorrow they will get spagetti as that's what's for dinner, and kale . Blueberries for desert.

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