What did your chickens do today?

Today I gave my hens some melted ice-cream which I don't believe any previous owners have ever given them. They REALLY liked it, cleaned out the pan and looked around for more. Tomorrow they get some watermelon rind for the first time. Should be entertaining!
We only had two chickens to begin with and one disappeared Friday so we are going tomorrow to pick one up from a neighbor to keep our Pigpen company. However, this weekend I am working and my daughter is babysitting so that leaves DH and Pigpen. Hubby keeps texting me pics of Pigpen in different places throughout the house. Bathroom, kitchen, TV stand etc... He refuses to go outside lol and has been following DH everywhere he goes. Poor Pigpen :( lol I just got one of him sleeping on our bed with the cat :/
We went fishing Friday and I had left-over live crickets I didn't use. I took them out to the feathered kids this morning. It was like a chicken mosh pit! I've not seen them go that nuts over a treat since the first time I gave them worms. They gathered at my feet waiting for me to pass them out. I think I almost lost a finger.
It's so much fun spoiling chickens!
Ha! To funny I dd the same thing with our left over minnows the other day! They love t! No more wasted fishing money!
Some of my chickens decided to lay in the doghouse today. My rooster also started to run at me and peck my foot. I got the last laugh after I grabbed him and held him (he hates that). He might have been mad because I told him we're getting 2 more roosters and these ones would actually be useful (he is a terrible flock defender).
I was checking the nest boxes today and Sassy took a giant leap, latched onto my hip, literally climbed up my body and settled in on my arm (her favorite roost) after much wobbling and flapping. I swear she thinks she's a parrot. :p

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