What do all you other pheasant freaks have in your bators??

Anyone?! I posted another question on temps that seems to have disappeared - but conflicting info, comments of pheasants are different than chickens etc is heeded - but without info on *pheasants* where does one learn?!
i keep mine in the incubator set on 99.5 most i hatch are around 23-26 days depending on species. After about day 28 if they havent pipped, they get removed.
best advice. dont worry about them. keep the temp consistent and the humidity where it needs to be, and they'll either hatch, or they wont. If they dont, try again.
Thanks - that's what I'm trying to find. The temp is consistent 99.5 - might alter just a bit when I crack it open to turn them though for a few seconds...not as long as a hen would leave for a drink but still...! I've not found what the humidity *should* be...so am guessing. And somewhere there was mention of hatching standing up to increase hatching...but not sure what that is or how to do it. Turning about 8-noon - 4 - 8 pm (read 3-5 times per day - more than the 2x for chickens). June 3 will be 20 days (counting day put in the bator)....so have marked it to stop turning them then.
Glad to see everyone is taking advantage of spring with full or semi-full bators. The 1st week of june is going to be crazy around here that is when a lot of hatches are due. I gotta get the brooders setup and tested out here as I have a Buff ringneck hatch this weekend and a Reeves hatch the week after. All those chicks are getting sold days after hatching soo wont need the brooder temptation on too long

I'm fixing to start stacking in the sportsman if things don't slow down laying!! 90 pheasant eggs 18 chukar eggs, and about 30 quail eggs setting in the trays ready to go in.. my next hatch is Saturday....
I have reeves, goldens, yellow goldens, dark thoated , elliotts, swinehoe, palawans, gray peacocks, blue ears, gray jungle fowl and peafowl eggs in the incubator.
Thanks - that's what I'm trying to find. The temp is consistent 99.5 - might alter just a bit when I crack it open to turn them though for a few seconds...not as long as a hen would leave for a drink but still...! I've not found what the humidity *should* be...so am guessing. And somewhere there was mention of hatching standing up to increase hatching...but not sure what that is or how to do it. Turning about 8-noon - 4 - 8 pm (read 3-5 times per day - more than the 2x for chickens). June 3 will be 20 days (counting day put in the bator)....so have marked it to stop turning them then.

i keep mine about 60 percent until lockdown, then i boost it up to 75 or so. As far as standing them up that is in relation to placing them in egg cartons during lockdown. they are placed small end down. Personally in my batora with autoturners, i just let them like they are. In my others i just let them on their sides and have good results.

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