What do I do if my parents don't think my chickens need more space but they do?

The nesting boxes do not take up that space. The length across is 6 ft 8 inches and the width is 2 ft 2 inches. This IS NOT including 4 nesting boxes. We are taking one of the nesting boxes out on one side of the coop. The others are on the other side of the coop. Sorry if this is confusing.
The approx 2 x 6.5" is too small for 8 birds.....maybe some of the chicks will be cockerels and you can get rid of them.
If your parents don't want to build more coop (and it really is their decision) you need to have fewer birds.
What is the third dimension, the height? Pictures do help. Can you explain where and how you got your set up. Is this a boughten coop? Often times, those are sited as to hold a lot more chickens than they really can, so that might be part of the problem with your parents, they have been told that more can fit in there by the company. This happens often when new people want to get into chickens and buy a ready made coop.

However, you really do only have 3 options: cull birds, make the set up larger, or get sick and mean birds.

Some very nice work has been done with pallets, look around this site. Also, what part of the world is this? Some places chickens need much less protections, as in an open shed, with two or three walls and a roof is all. Personally, I like a coop/enclosed run set up. I let mine free-range, but they do fine in lock down too.

You are right, they are wishing it will all go well, time will prove it.

Mrs K
I will get the height and pictures in the next few hours. This is a man made coop that my father and I built. We made it a few years ago when we knew nothing about chickens and didn't no we had to by 6 chicks. We had already built the coop before we got the chicks and we built it for only 3 chickens. So we then made it bigger and again and again. Nothing seems to work because we are not putting our time into it we just hurry up and make a non predator proof junk coop. We live up here in Ohio and have had problems with predAtors previously (coons have gotten in). We then boxed everything in with plywood to make sure nothing got in. Well the problem there is We have no ventilation inside. The coop started off being a little coop attached to our shed then upgraded to in the shed but only a 2 by almost 7 ft in closer. Thanks for commenting I'll try to get the height and pics here shortly.
Alright here is a picture sorry it's pretty bad but it shows the Length and width. Sorry I forgot to get the height but it is pretty high it is all the way to the roof of the shed. There is 3 roost up there but we are taking one down cause it is very dangerous.


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