what do I do with all the eggs?

I leave them whole. I crack each egg into the ice tray cube and freeze. When frozen I pop them out and put them in a freezer bag. It takes about 15 - 20 minutes for them to thaw when you take them out for use.
Pet is a brand name of Evaporated milk or condensed milk, but dont use the "sweetened condensed" milk. Another brand name is Eagle.
I better go edit that post, lol.

Terrielacy said:
That Ten Egg Poundcake is fabulous.
It was originally posted on the Ezboard BYC recipe section by Farmwoman (Karen). It has become quite famous over there.

http://p072.ezboard.com/fbackyardchicke … =340.topic
The recipe section over there has many pages of great recipes.

Thanks Terrie, I couldnt remember who originally posted it and it seems to be mentioned frequently because it is so popular.

Can real butter replace Crisco? I know it is a lot but still better for you than Crisco. The whole recipe sounds over the top to me. Either way it has to be delicious.
I have a couple of friends that are willing to take a dozen or so if I get bogged down, but the eggs are so much yummier than commercial eggs that we seem to eat more of them. My DD has become quite the egg snob, actually, and prefers them fresh from the chicken if she can get them.
Well my girls are "off the lay" and I have to buy free range eggs from the supermarket. Here in Australia they cost up to $4.50 per dozen, which I use in cakes. They dont taste nearly as good as my girl's eggs, i wish they would start again.
Ummm, what's "Pet milk"?

When the recipe was originally posted, that same question was asked. I remember the hilarity over that and the answers we came up with. It turned out that Farmwoman's grandmother just always called evaporated milk Pet Milk (the brand name), like my grama always refers to oleo instead of margarine.

Chel, I knew it was Karen's recipe because of the Pet Milk ingredient. It is sort of like a trademark. LOL​
I have some 2 and a half week chicks. I have 1 roo and 23!!!!! girls. I can't wait until they get old enough to lay....long wait I know. I've told my parents and my sister that they better not ever buy eggs again.

Here's an idea! If you get more than you can eat or sell. Boil them and feed them to the chickens.
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we use to have way too many eggs. We started posting on craigslist and I gave some eggs to people at work and neighbors for free. Next thing I knew demand went WAY past supply and now I've got a waiting list of people who want to pay $3.00 - $5.00 a dozen!

Doesn't help any that now 2 of 7 have been broody for like 4 weeks!

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