What do I have?


11 Years
May 20, 2008
Chambersburg, Pa.
Got these 3 chicks at the auction the other night. The top of the box said 3 Aracauna chicks (green egg layers) spelled just like that. Now seeing as most of the people selling chickens at the auction are farmers and I am not sure if they know what they have. The last box I got that was marked Ameraucanas, turned out to be mixed with Silkie and they lay blue eggs. I am curious if these are probably just EEs? I have never had yellow EEs with spots like these though. Any ideas if these look like EEs, mixes or something else entirely? I've had quite a few chicks of various breeds and none have resembled these. Wonder if they will turn out to be white?





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They could be EEs I suppose, but they don't look characteristic of EEs, no muffs, yellow legs (though EEs don't always have those things). I'm sure someone else will have a better idea.
I will be shocked if they are Araucana chicks. I did find a pic on google of Blue Wheaten Araucana chicks and they are yellow/buff with yellow legs. Hmmm chicks can be confusing. I am so curious to see if these end up feathering out like the normal brown EEs. Would be awesome if the two spotted ones turned out to be Splashes.
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my money is on EE. Green egg layers is a dead giveaway. They are definitely not araucana and they aren't ameraucana (they are not standard color). You should post pics when they get bigger, so we can see how they turn out.
They are starting to get tiny wing feathers now. One has white feathers, one has maybe black/brown feathers coming in and the other looks like white feathers with gray mixed in. I will try to remember this post and post pics of them when they feather in. I am just hoping they don't all end up to be roos.

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