what do splash silkie chicks look like?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
I thought the splash chicks were a silvery white then got their splashed gradually? The reason I ask is I got some eggs from someone and hatched them. This person was recommended to me and the pics of the adult birds were nice.
Now that the chicks are feathering out I have a whitish one that has a yellowish beak? The other two have what I believe is black starting to come in on their hackles, wings and tails.
I pulled a hard short feather out from ones foot and I don't know where it came from. These are little birds in a brooder. The feather didn't seem to be attached just kinda stuck on its foot. I do have a cuckoo and a blue in there with the whites. No hard feathers though.

These birds have always had an odd cast to them. I have always bred white to white and have never had whites have black in them. They hatch yellow and go to white.

In the light..they could be splash. Don't know. The last one is the white with the yellow beak. The black doesn't show up very well. It is splotchy. These chicks are still pretty young.

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You're right about the splash silkie chick colors. The 3 splash silkies that I raised from chicks where a very light gray color and started turning to splash at about 4 weeks old.
Are you saying that you hatched birds from a white to white breeding that have dark feathers coming in?

I have had only a very few white silkies that hatch with yellow down, and even they are a very pale yellow. Most have white or even pale silvery down.

Some splash begin getting their splashes as soon as their feathers start coming in, other develop the splashing more gradually. Some have an almost pure white base, on others the base is definitely slate.

Even enlarged these photos are far too small for me to tell anything from. Please be kind to aging eyes and post photos with a larger resolution.
I bought the eggs and hatched them. I thought two were colored differently from hatch but I don't remember two eggs being labeled splash. Two of the birds are a different color and in the light you can see black or darker spots here and there. When I first posted I thought it was just in one spot but in the light you can see it is kinda all over.
I will try to post larger pics. The pics just uploaded that way. My eyes aren't the best and I do apologize. Last pic is the white with the yellow beak.
You should be able to click on them and enlarge them. (I hope)

I personally have only hatched one splash ever and it died. That was years ago but I thought it was more of a bluish or silvery color. My whites are always yellowish color then feather out white.

last pic is the white with yellow beak

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