What do we have here (update)?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
Northern Kentucky
The wife and I finally got around to buying some chicks today. We were at Tractor Supply and she saw them and had to take some home with her. We took 5 from the pullet brooder and 1 from the straight run. The girl that waited on us wasn't sure if they were leghorns or rocks. From pics I've seen on here, the black one appears to be a barred rock and the rest white rocks. am I correct?



I guess I'm going to have to start on the coop tomorrow.
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I would say white rock for the yellow ones. The dark one is either BR or Male BSL I'd say. Thought it was a welly because it looked kinda brown in the light.
The chicks are a little older now and I was wondering if anyone could tell what this guy is. I'm pretty sure he's a Rooster. He's bigger than the others and I can tell he's their leader. He rules over them, but isn't overly aggressive.
Looks to definitely be a rooster... I'm leaning towards BR, but I'm not real familiar with the BSL breed - He will be Very handsome either way! Hope you're able to have a roo...

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