What do you call her??


Free Ranging
13 Years
Feb 2, 2011
We here future thinking peoples.... have come up with another one... only the solution to this one may be needed more immediately... as Mom is tired of me calling her "Granny" to the dogs.

I just figured when I got Squishy as a puppy last year... that I am plenty wrinkled enough to call myself "Mom" to him... only Mom was used to being "Mom".. but yes, for the last year I've been referring to her as "Grandma" around the house.

To everyone.


For those who are at all still wondering.... the answer is Yes. We are. Craaaaazy...... (and I'm Naughty

Anyway! Mom doesen't like "Granny"... she wants either "Nana" or "Grandma"... apparently Granny is older than Grandma??

I, on the other hand... cannot call her "Nana" because that is what we call my actual Grandma.. you know, moms mother. So when I hear it, I see a picture of Nana.
Grandma is too long. Too akward.

So, what do you call her? Your Grandmother, that is?

Isen't there one that sounds like Mom.. but isen't?
my sisters kids call my mom "shaw" i don't get it. my lil brothers kids call my mom oma (grandma in german) and my older brothers kids call her grandma susie.

i call my grandma... grandma bev. my husband uses grandmammy a lot.
My moms grandkids all her MEME and that is what I tell my dogs when she is coming over. Meme is here and they get so excited.
In my family the tradition is for the first grandchild to "name" the grandmother.

My mother's name is Jeannie, her first grandchild heard his dad call her Jeannie, but he couldn't pronounce it...so she became Neenie first and now it's just Neen.
His son has carried on the tradition with my sister Lisa and she has now become Eesa to both her grandsons.

My grandmothers were Granny and Mam.
My sister's son used to always call our mother, 'Beaker'. Although you may spell it, 'Beeker'. I don't know. Nobody knew where he got that name from until I watched one of those kiddy shows with him. One of the characters wore a white lab coat and was a chemist-his name was Beaker. Mom wore a white uniform because she was an RN. White lab coat + white uniform= Beaker.

I had a friend's kid call her grandmother, 'Nina'. I thought that was cute.
Well in turkish grandma is nene,but dd started saying nenie and that stuck. I like nenie or nene. Hungarian grandma is way to long....nagymami.

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