What do you collect?

I collect dust.

JK. I have a shell collection from when I lived in the Caribbean, over 150 different species, often multiples of each species. I think I have over 400 in all.
recipes (especially old "family" recipes)
spices and unusual foods ..bullion cubes (really yes I do Knorr has so many varieties and when people travel around the world and ask what I want I tell them to bring me back the regional bullion cubes I have some from all over Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle East ..name it for some reason I have this most amazing collection of cubes!)
wish I was collecting money
and mismatched dishes (I love things that do not match for some reason and my kids think I am nuts)
Just started collecting rooster and hen items. Collect my children from school.
Shot glasses for my bar looking for a rooster one.

Do alot of woodworking going to start making rooster and hen signs that sounds good.

wife says that I have become obbsessed with the web site.

I tell her just tring to figure out what kind of birds I have beside the Buff Orpingtons and the Golden comets.

Mostly her Bantams and her supposed Black Cochins.

I collect Charming Tails, you know the little figurines of the mice and other small critters in different posses and themes. They are soo cute!
I used to collect horse, unicorn, and sheep figurines, Breyers, ect.

Now I collect vintage postcards and children's books esp. those that have chicks or chickens on them.

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