What do you do for a living?

Quote:I know how that goes. Since I am self-employed, people assume I sit around and watch TV all day just waiting for them to call and ask me for favors. ;)
Sounds like my job!! I used to be a ballroom dance instructor before working in environmental insurance. Now it is my husband and I working two businesses together. We have a roofing contracting business and an entertainment band (weddings, corporate parties, etc.) He is the lead singer, and for both, I'm the background support: admin/management, web, etc. I'm incredibly proud of his talent. Google "HaywireGA". I've got a collage video you can see if you google: YouTube HaywireGA arris :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am a structural engineer that moved out of the corporate world, took a drastic pay cut and now am working for a small machine an fab shop in a rather mayberry like town in northern Tennessee, I have a wife that is a stay at home mom with a two year old, very smart and precocious, that also tries to sell some real estate here and there.

All in all a pretty good life, we live on a 20 acre farm surrounded by moo cows
I'm a Geotechnical Engineer at an open pit mine. I have to monitor all the pit walls for movement and then mitigate any rockfall/failures. It's pretty fun and never boring. I get to be outside quite a bit.

I've only been out of college for about 4 years, but there aren't a lot of people in my profession so I've been able to move up fast in the world. It's been challenging, and I've had to carry my entire department by myself before, but I love it.
I am a truck broker and work out of my home moving the big rigs all over the US with product. I love doing what I do as it gives me time
to attend to life! It has its ups and downs as the phone can ring at any given time, so I am always ON.
But it does give me time to interact with my chicklets on and off all day long which is perfect for me.
I'm a full time homemaker, have been since March but have been accepted into an 18 month Registered Massage Therapist program starting in September. My hubby is a contractor in home construction. in just a few short days our 7 week old pullets will be here and my 2 boys 9 and 11 are very excited to name their girls and help with the chores
Full time auto body technician and I work part time as a firefighter/emt.

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