What do you do with excess eggs?


Sep 22, 2023
North Central Florida
We get a lot of eggs, on average 45-60 a day. We eat a lot of eggs.
We had a home pastry business buying 8-10 dozen a week, but her business has slowed and she can get eggs cheaper at Walmart than buying farm fresh eggs.
We still sell a few dozen a week to different people, but usually have 10 dozen or more left in the house at the end of the week.
We will scramble some and mix with cooked rice for a treat to the ladies, but that’s just a dent in what we have.
We will also donate to the local soup kitchen once a month.
We only get about 3 to 4 dozen a week
We eat about a dozen to 1 1/2 dozen and give the rest to our neighbors and friends. We don't sell our eggs, this is a hobby as is our gardens. We donate a lot of our produce to org that help others. I guess our intent is to have chickens for our selves and try to appease our neighbors to not complain or be bothered by it.
I feed some eggs to my hens and they LOVE them it is so good for them when you feed eggs back to them. You can also supply close friends with eggs all the time. I love that you donate some eggs that is very kind.:thumbsup
I feed some eggs to my hens and they LOVE them it is so good for them when you feed eggs back to them. You can also supply close friends with eggs all the time. I love that you donate some eggs that is very kind.:thumbsup
We tried to donate them to our nephews school to sell them for a band fund raiser, but the principal said we couldn’t for liability reasons. Though we can use them to bake something and sell the baked goods. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Why do you keep so much chickens in the first place?

I don’t have many chickens and they lay no more as we eat, most of the year. In winter we buy some eggs occasional. In spring we give some to our daughter and neighbours.

We donate a lot of our produce to org that help others.
👍 I like this solution for too many eggs.
The eggs we do sell are priced cheap for farm fresh in our area. We started growing our flock to sell eggs, as there were quite a few people interested in buying fresh eggs . Now those same people might buy a dozen every other week or two.
Our price doesn’t cover the cost of feed and care costs unless we sell most of them. When the corporate egg farm prices dropped we would be taking a loss to match the price. I know , better some compensation than none.
We have 9 chicks and 1 brooding hen trying to hatch a clutch right now and will put a hold on building any farther until we can get a few steady buyers.
Our chicks are mixed, so selling the chicks isn’t a reliable option as most people want certain breeds. We free range so don’t isolate the breeds, except for the Cemani.

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