what do you do with your bacon grease?

Bacon fat is the same as Olive Oil calorie wise. 38 calories per teaspoonful. In other words, it's very fatty, use it, but sparingly. It's a seasoning in the South
I forgot about real popcorn...that is the way my Nana did it...back before microwaves when popcorn was exercise!
I've starting saving mine but lately since anytime I make bacon I also make eggs, I cook the bacon, take it out of the pan then make eggs in the same pan without removing the grease. It works out great! But we're talking a few slices of bacon at a time with about 3 eggs afterwards. If you cooked a whole package you'd probably have to make a dozen eggs or something but if you're cooking for the family that shouldn't be a problem.
Olive oil and bacon grease have a similar number of calories, but their nutritional content is quite different. Olive oil has no cholesterol and a quarter of the saturated fat, and many health benefits.
Hash browns or fried taters, browning a pot roast, making tortillas, spanish rice or refried beans. The list is endless.

Woe is he who tosses out the bacon grease in this house.....

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