What do you do with your spoiled wood shavings when changing the pen?

Dang people......I need to make a compost pile. I can just dump the soiled shavings under my shrubs????? I can do that now, without a compost pile!

Thanks so much! I appreciate all your responses!
Toss the shavings around the shrubs - The plants will love it, and the aroma will fade quickly once it's out in the air and sunshine with creepy crawlies digesting it.

I call that "sheet composting." You don't always need a pile.
I used to have a big compost bin -- it was a LOT of work to haul things in, turn it, and haul them out.

I just grind it all up with the lawnmower and use as mulch. Yes, the technical turn is "sheet composting."

Anything that might be smelly gets buried deeper under "brown matter" -- things like rotten tomatoes, for example.

Why do all the work when the end result is the same?
We have several compost piles going. My husband got the great idea of stacking old tires together to create the "container" and then tossing in the yuck. Been working well for over a year, and I don't notice any smell coming from it at all.
I never used shavings when our baby Pekins were inside. I got a huge dog crate and put hay inside with a small bowl if water with a rock in it so it wouldn't spill over. I also put a box inside the dog crate so they would get used to going in a house. Every am, I would take out the hay and throw right on the compost pile. I also lined the crate pan with newspaper. I loved using the colossal dog crate because by the time they were getting bigger, it was time for outside.
I am completely in love with this forum! I am amazed everytime I read some posts that have numerous replies to it. I appreciate it so much.....I have also learned a lot on this forum....not just from my own posts but from everyones.

Thanks again!
Ours goes into a compost pile with other manure to go on the garden when it gets tilled before winter.

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