What do you feed your ducks?

Hi Dusky Beauty,

What brand of dog food do you prefer?


I don't know what DB uses but RoseCombRyan suggested feeding Purina puppy chow, along with reg, feed.
Everyone talks about free ranging. We are afraid they will fly away. They've been in a 4x6 coop with a 10x12 dog kennel run, will they come back in if we let them forage around in the woods around them
My flyers fly around the property, down the street, around the block and right back home. They are show-offs.

I have NEVER had a duck fly away and not return.
I'd be concerned about your calls, they are so small, if your going to let them free range I think I'd clip one wing to keep them home. and be outside with them when you let them out to have free time, then just see how it goes, since you say woods you'll need to be watchful of predators.
I wouldn't let out unless they could be watched.
We saw them eyeballing the neighbors pond, or was it the other way
Hi Dusky Beauty,

What brand of dog food do you prefer?


I'm using 'Ol Roy High protein, which is wal mart generic, but I am POSITIVE it is the same food from the purina factory, just in walmarts brown bag instead of purina's green bag. This week it was $22 for a 50 lb bag, it fluctuates a bit.

The only flighted bird I have right now is a mallard hen and I clipped her wing in less than 30 seconds. My biggest challenge is keeping them out of the in ground swimming pool, so I stopped using chemicals in it until I can run some netting around the perimeter fence to keep them out. I'll have to post some pictures of all the teenage ducks at the "resort"
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Mine eat purina layena since they lay all year round. My drake doesn't eat enough to get different food and he has girls now anyway. They all seem to love it

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