What do you feed your turkeys?

Up here we have a feed/grain store that make there own feed for all animals .
I Feed my turkeys - Turkey Grower (NON MED.) with Chicken Layer and some Crack Corn
for the last 3 yrs . of coarse when there pullet I feed non med turkey starter -chicken starter and game bird all is non med for them

I heard that you are never supposed to feed them chick starter or layer because it is medicated? Is that not true? I dont remember where I heard that . Or is that just for ducks? I feed my turkeys meat builder feed. It says for turkeys. I tried to feed them corn first, but they wouldnt eat it so I bought the meat builder.

up here
my feed grain store makes both Medicated and Non Medicated Feeds

I only feed Med feed to my egglayer and the X-rocks chickens and turkeys that will be for us to eat I only feed non med. feed
it's work for me these last 3 or so years​
Medicated is fine for turkey poults. Some people say don't use it because it's not organic. They will do great on medicated chick starter but most is only 20% protein so I mix purina gamebird starter that is 30%. I feed medicated to all my babies, poults, chicks, keets, quail, pheasants and ducks and have very healthy babies and very little loss.
Poults get 28% game bird starter. Once they're a week old they begin getting green feed most every day and some rolled oats sprinkled over their bedding every other day to encourage them to keep it scratched up and fluffy.

Once they are about twelve weeks old I begin mixing in something like Purina Flock Raiser to lower the protein to about 22-24% and they have free choice access to a mix of whole grains and alfalfa pellets along with whatever green feed they can forage. They self-select a diet with a protein percentage of about 20%.
I guess everyone feed different. I feed poults to breeding age or eating age 28% turkey game bird starter. It is non medicated. They don't make a medicated feed here. My breeders get a 22% turkey breeder ration. When they are molting they go back on the turkey starter. I found it does not pay to cut corners feeding a lesser quality feed. The birds mature faster on the higher protein. At the sale last Thanksgiving, my birds went for the highest price. Triple what others where getting. Everyone asked me what I feed because my birds were the biggest by far of all the heritage turkeys.
up here
my feed grain store makes both Medicated and Non Medicated Feeds

I only feed Med feed to my egglayer and the X-rocks chickens and turkeys that will be for us to eat I only feed non med. feed
it's work for me these last 3 or so years

Haha, you guys must be fancy up there. We only have medicated layer, medicated chick starter/grower, Meat builder, scratch grains, and corn to choose from here.
I've raised all my birds together and they all eat the same thing. Chicks and young are on 20% starter. The adult birds are on chicken laying pellets. I've never had any problems and all seem to be healthy and happy.
My ADULT turkeys get whatever they get from range bugs, grass, etc. and I toss them a bit of corn, bread, and BOSS, just to keep them coming back around
They have almost an acre to range though, lots of worms

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