What do you gather eggs in?! Pics?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
My oldest chickens are only 6 weeks old right now, but I'm already thinking about what to gather eggs in once they start!

Wicker? Wire? What do you use and why? Have you tried any methods that you like more or less than others? I'd love to see pictures of all your different gathering tools!

These our our youngest, 3 week old Fat Chocobo and Luna coming out for some social time.
Awww so cute!

I want to get a wire basket for egg collecting, but right now I use a plastic jug I cut open so I can put eggs in and still have the handle.

I use plastic jugs that were used for cat litter to carry water out in the winter time. Fills the heated waterer up perfectly. Reuse plastc jugs for feed scoops, carrying feed out, and for temporary waterer when a plastic one cracked.

Will be using one of the litter jugs as a summer waterer once I get a couple nipple water tips to try. I even use the empty feed bags in summer as shade for them and to keep the rain off feeders.
Jugs are so useful!

Is this the wrong category for this? I was hoping for more ideas to be shared. :confused:

I am very new and I don't have chicks laying yet but those wire ones they sell in Southern States and such look great since it keeps the eggs from cracking each other. Not sure how necessary it is if you have a small flock. Anyone else have any thoughts on that particular kind
. That is the kind I was thinking of getting once we get to that stage. HTH!
I collect them in my t-shirt/sweater just rolled back from the bottom lol then indoors I have a wire egg basket shaped like a chicken :)

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For the first six months we used whatever butter bowl or plastic bowl that was sitting on the counter or handy! I wanted something attractive that could just sit by the back door all the time. I found this basket at Hobby Lobby and it's been perfect! No one has to look for something to put the eggs in anymore and it looks cute sitting there with or without eggs in it! If it gets anything on it, I just spray it off, it's all metal except for the wood handle. I would say any sturdy basket would work fine though.
Jenny do you not have a problem with your basket swinging because of the hinged handle? It's a cute basket, almost exactly what I had in mind. :D

I'm going to go check my local thrift store today and see what I can find. The good thing about starting to look early is that I have the time to find just the right one!
No @MissMaryMac I haven't had a problem with it swinging, our coops just out back so we don't have too far to walk with it. It works nicely and holds 12 eggs just perfect. We have 6 that lay now and 6 babies that are coming along.

A red plastic basket from the Dollar Store.
I have a green one too.

[not my hand or actual basket...actually found the picture online]
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