What do you get when you cross a wyandotte with (list in thread - rooster has been a busy boy..)


Nov 29, 2017
My little bantam wyandotte has been quite the ladies man and has been busy with all the ladies. Literally all of them..
these nests have now all hatched and little babies are everywhere. Some nests are side by side in the coop, and I’m fairly sure the babies aren’t even staying with their actually mums. It’s chaos in their. Babies and mums just all mix together like some Jonestown chicken experiment gone crazy.
I’ve got babies with:
isa brown
rhode island

what will the babies all look like? Will they just look like the mum, or the rooster? Will they be a mixed flock of some wyandotte and some mum breed?
My little bantam wyandotte has been quite the ladies man and has been busy with all the ladies. Literally all of them..
these nests have now all hatched and little babies are everywhere. Some nests are side by side in the coop, and I’m fairly sure the babies aren’t even staying with their actually mums. It’s chaos in their. Babies and mums just all mix together like some Jonestown chicken experiment gone crazy.
I’ve got babies with:
isa brown
rhode island

what will the babies all look like? Will they just look like the mum, or the rooster? Will they be a mixed flock of some wyandotte and some mum breed?
What did they end up looking like? We need follow up pictures! 😊
Thanks for your input so far everyone! It’s all a bit exciting in our humble little backyard world.
currently the australorp and an isa are co raising 5-6 chicks that all live in some bizarre sister wives type set up. Both mums are sharing all the babies and all the raising.
one egg hatched a day later (today) in one of their nests and the little one went out to find a mum. Poor chick was not welcomed at all by the mums and so I took her inside for a bit. I tried reintroducing little stinky (she pooped herself lol) to the family a few hours later but they were adamant she wasn’t welcome. A spur of the moment thing later, I went to the coop where the leghorn is still patiently nesting. She’s a real sweetie, this chook. I slowly put little stinky down in front of her and stinky tried nestling under her. The leghorn gave me a loud honk and adjusted herself and settled straight back down with little stinky tucked under. Phew!!

babies are still lots of yellow with varying amounts of light brown to black spots. My little moggies are already adorable and I cannot wait to see how they grow! I’ll put pics up tomorrow arvo after work :celebrate
I know, right! And I know he’s the dad; he’s my only rooster.
the leghorn is only a few weeks new here. I don’t know how old she is, but she’s very placid and quiet. We joke to him that he’ll need a step ladder but she went broody about a week after arriving here so probably caught her when she was busy nesting lol.
They will likely look like mixes of the parents. The Leghorns chicks may be mostly white with some lacing. The ISA chicks will be barnyard mixes as ISA’s already have several breeds in them. The Australorp’s chicks may be mostly black. The RIR’s may be mostly white with some black markings. Just guesses from me though!

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