What do you guys think of these prints?

I have friends who live in dugger IN,i go down there in the fall to hunt yotes,3 years ago we saw ML,i know it was a ML,either that or a bobcat with a tail and on steroids.They have had many sightings since,there property is right next to Greene-sullivan SRA.Last summer there donkey was killed by a large predator,DNR says it was a pack of coyotes but i know different.
well I did what Im sure you did as well. googled prints.. I agree that is a large cat. if coyote ( which we have in high numbers) you always see the nail impressions and their toes are set different than a dog and very much so different from cougars. big cats are everywhere maybe not in large numbers but their out there..
sorry for your loss.
blessed be )O(
I live in the middle of Kansas and yes we have had sightings of mountain lions. The fish and game all say no. But there was a person who raised wild life and there was talk that a bunch of his animals have escaped. There are sightings and pictures so I believe it.
2 OR 3 trail cams and all will be told.....nothing like a nice trail cam pic of a cougar munching on your ducks or chicken to get you motivated to trap this killer...they do have a large home range but they like to stay close to easy food...good luck they are crafty and lethal predators
Well we live on the prairie in the middle of nowhere in northwest Kansas and Officially there aren't any mountain lions but! WE HAVE THEM HERE I PROMISE YOU! They have been sighted less than a mile from town. If you ask a game warden about them you will be told that they are not here. Mountain lions have roughly a 400-600 mile roaming range, so it is very possible that if you live within that distance of their known habitat (Mountains) you can bet that they are around if there is food. Most are young males searching for territory to call their own.

Same here on the prairie of Western MN. One was caught on a trail cam last summer. *Rumors* are that the DNR planted a couple of them, but officially, of course, there are none here...
If the Game wardens say there arent any lountain lions around, then wait for it to come back for more of your birds and blast it, then call them to come and get it.... they may even let you keep the pelt if your into that kinda stuff... my dad did that with a fisher in southern ontario, MNR said that fishers didnt live in the area, he proved them wrong.
In addition to mating "couples" staying together, siblings frequently travel together after their mother kicks them out in preparation for her next litter.
Looks just like the Cougar tracks I have seen how big are they? in relative size to your spread out hand? I would say that's what you have and I would shoot it Lions are notoriously not to nice even to adults, let alone children, dogs cats, chickens, you name it they will eat it.. If it gets hungry enough your poor chickies and ducks will not be the only things it goes after. A mother with kittens could get desperate for a larger kill.
Sorry for your losses..... hope all goes well. We have Lions in Wisconsin as well, no one believed it when we seen our first out hunting 25 years ago, now they are sighted more and more and all over as well. we have maps on our DNR site that sorta keeps track of sightings check for a local map for your area. Kim
Just a few reports the maps show alot of reports here http://www.uwsp.edu/wildlife/carnivore/Mountain%20Lion%20Maps_files/Aggregated%20cougar%20sightings.jpg
http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/08/cougar-sightings-increasing-in.html I would have googled you a ,map but don't know where you are at.?
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These tracks are just over 4 inches across. They're slightly bigger than my hand. I went back later to get a picture with a ruler, but they'd been back and all the tracks were tromped over. They left claw marks on the extra large dog kennel that my chicks were in. EEEP!


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