What do you have in your flock?

I have a bantam Cochin frizzle rooster named Doug. A mottled Bantam cochinhen named Henrietta, a white bantam Cochin named Pearl, a Plymouth Rock named Mary Jane , a lemon blue Cochin named Rutie and a Maran named Rosie. And... A handful of cross bred chicks.
Right now I only have 4; 2 orpingtons and 2 wyandottes. I'm hoping to have about a dozen chickens and will for sure be one of the rainbow chicken ladies!
i have:

. buff orbingtons
.Easter eggers
.barred rocks
.quail belgin bearded de anvers
.rhode island reds
.white orpingtons
.old english game black breasted red
. old english game lemon blue
. birchin modern game
.had polish( died last month)
.red star (red sex link ) i have a rainbow flock!!! :p
Welsummers, brownleghorns, easter eggers, and one golden laced polish hen, colorful egg basket :) Just added six white silkies, and am waiting for delivery of ten white jersey giants, ten black langshans and five blue langshans.

Started out wanting just six hens, chicken math Lol! ;-)
Welsummers, brownleghorns, easter eggers, and one golden laced polish hen, colorful egg basket :) Just added six white silkies, and am waiting for delivery of ten white jersey giants, ten black langshans and five blue langshans.

Started out wanting just six hens, chicken math Lol! ;-)

I love chicken math!
I started with 6 black australorp hens a few years ago. The numbers have since grown and shrunk, grown some more, shrunk a bit, then blew up.
I've just started a new flock, we had a devastating fire last year that claimed the lives of all my beautiful chickens. My new babies are 5 weeks old and I'm loving them so much! I have:

5 Black Copper Marans
2 Cuckoo Marans
3 Welsummer
6 Black Jersey Giant
6 Red Sex Link
2 Gold Sex Link
5 Easter Egger
5 Speckled Sussex
2 Gold Laced Wyandotte

Next year I hope to add some Crested Cream Legbar, Lavender Orpington, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, and a couple of Bantams.

I socialize with my chicks every day, so they aren't exactly unfriendly, but a lot of them are still spooked easily. My very most friendly chick is one of my Speckled Sussex named Suzie Q (pictured below). She follows me around and loves to climb in my lap. The other Speckled Sussex are really friendly also, and the Red and Gold Sex Links are the next friendliest breed I have. In our old flock they were ALL friendly. They were primarily Buff Orpingtons, with a few Easter Eggers, Gold Sex Links, and Rhode Island Reds. The only flighty hen we had was an Old English Game Hen who was grumpy as can be, and that's exactly what I named her, Grumpy. :p
I have got ?

2 Araucanas
2 Red - Sex links
2 Black - Sex links
1 Partridge wyandotte bantam
and geting some mixed game bantams
What are some of the friendliest breeds of chickens?

I love my Dominiques! Of the four, two in particular are very friendly. Baldilocks was one of the first to be friendly;whenever I'm in the coop now, she wants to hop up on my shoulder and then up top on my head! I'm trying to discourage the hop-on-head thing now, because I don't think I want a full grown chicken on my head in a few months, LOLOLOLOL

The other one, Darling, is a more recent friendly. Her name was "Trouble," but this week she's decided that she likes being held and cuddled, hence the renaming. She comes to me to be picked up and cradled in my hands so she can have a nice little chickie-snooze.

My New Hampshire Reds, Sweetie and Honey, are also pretty friendly.
Currently, we have one...
Black Australorp
Blue laced red Wyandotte
Buff Orpington
White Leghorn
Easter Egger
Barred Rock
and a mystery hen sold to us as a Rhode Island Red. Ideas?


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