What do you have in your flock?

I love having a "rainbow" flock. Barred Rock, Partridge Rock, White Giant, Black Giant, Silkie, Sebright, OEGB, Leghorn, Easter Egger, mix-breeds, and so many more. I would take a while to name them all. : )
I saw your pic of your brahmas (NICE pic btw) in the integrating flock thread and fell in LOVE :love. Oh dear. And lap chickens, that makes it worse. :hmm

Maybe we need a thread about what chickens would you LIKE to have! lol. Somebody stop me.
Thanks! :D those three were BEST friends. I almost never saw one of them alone. Now Peaches is the only one left. :hit Cooties died of EYP, and we had to cull Platypus in the Evil Marek's outbreak. :hit :hit Peachy hangs out with the Cochin banty now, since they were raised under the same broody.

I always seem to turn very serious threads into chatting threads..... :rolleyes: :lol:
I think there is one of those somewhere.... I might have seen a thread for that very purpose awhile back.
We are new to the Chicken world. On the advice of friends and family, we have 1 Barred Rock, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Black Australorp, and 1 Buff Banty. Cute little things, all are 4 weeks old and we love them!
My very first flock, still chicks, and I have:

Australorp (Black)
Brahma (Buff)
Orpington (Buff)
Sussex (Speckled)
Wyandotte (Golden Laced)

Their feathers are coming in and looking beautiful!
Well right now I have one adult Rhode Island Red as the sole survivor of a weasel attack and 19 5 week old chicks; 9 silver laced wyandettes and 10 rhode island reds. I am getting two 2 week old ducklings from my neighbor....can i keep them in the same pen/coop as the chicks or do they need a separate pen to mature in? We plan on allowing them all to free range and would love tips on encouraging "flockness".
2 Rhode Island Red hens
2 buff Cochin bantams ( 1 roo and 1 hen)
2 barred rock hens
1 Americauna hen
1 Black Copper Marans hen
2 Splash olive egger's (that is how they were listed) 1 roo (my avatar) and 1 hen
1 Black Polish hen had 2 roos but hey did not like me at all so they were re-homed
1 bantam hen ( I don't know her breed)
3 Roosters that I think are American Game
4 Hens that I don't know what breed they are
1 handicapped EE that was sold to me as an oliver egger but her eggs are blue eggs
14 chicks that hatched around Easter
Oh my gosh! I didn't know I had THAT many and now the bantam cochin hen went broody and is sitting on 6 eggs. I better stop!
Rainbow Bantam Flock here...adults are hens
1 Mottled Cochin (had two but lost my first one 2 years ago)
3 D'Uccles
3 EE's
2 Brahmas
1 Frizzle (lost her sister in the winter)
4 Silkes (2 splash, one blue, one black)
1 Delaware Blue Hen (yep...the real deal) - unfortunately I lost her sister in the early Spring to something respiratory - everyone got treated after that loss
I recently added 4 Sebright chicks but two have turned out to roosters and are awaiting rehoming to someone who will adore them
And the moment I knew I lost my mind....16 white Silkie chicks. I think I have half hens and half roosters so far....One group is 9 weeks and the other is 6 so still a bit too early to tell....although I have my suspicions. The boys will be up for adoption once I figure out who's who.

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