what do you like and dislike about runner ducks?

Here is a picture of my runner running to me:
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All ducks need to be given quite a bit of attention to be comfortable around people. Muskovies might be The exception, but are a different subspecies. The runners can be a little skittish sometimes.
If I hatch them and raise them from ducklings and handle them every day ( without scaring or hurting them at all ) and give them treats, do you think they'd learn to trust me?
I know right! they're so funny looking
(edit) what are muscovies like?
Muscovies are super friendly, some of the friendliest ducks in my opinion, and they are very quiet they don't quack at all like other ducks do. They don't lay very many eggs but they lay an okay amount, and they are very broody so they try to sit on their eggs and hatch them. Mine are just the friendliest and snuggliest ducks in the world!! Also they're really good at foraging for bugs and weeds and such.
Muscovies are super friendly, some of the friendliest ducks in my opinion, and they are very quiet they don't quack at all like other ducks do. They don't lay very many eggs but they lay an okay amount, and they are very broody so they try to sit on their eggs and hatch them. Mine are just the friendliest and snuggliest ducks in the world!! Also they're really good at foraging for bugs and weeds and such.
That's so cool! Muscovies seem like really cool ducks, so maybe someday I'll get some. Whenever I get an animal, I always want them to be friendly and trust me so muscovies seem like a really good duck for me someday. I find them really cute too, even though my family finds the caruncles ( I think that's what they're called ) kinda ugly. Thanks for sharing the video btw, it's adorable!
Runners are very wary of anything that they have never seen before. Doesn't matter how many times you've given them a head of purple cabbage, give them a head of green cabbage and they act like the primates in 2001 when the Monolith appeared.

Mine come running providing that they are hungry, which is most of the time!

They are loud, which I am fine with.
Aside from the whole ducks-are-messy-and-poop-everywhere reality of all ducks, there is nothing I dislike about runners.

Of the 10 I now have, all were raised by me from the time they were a day or two old. NONE of them wants to be held, but nearly all are pretty friendly and all will come running -- with that unique runner gait -- if they think there's even a chance of feed or a treat.

One of my original ducks, Quinn, is the funniest. When she gets excited about food, she literally stands in one place and jumps up and down. It cracks me up every time.

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