What do you like/dislike about your coop?

Dropping boards? how does this work?

Here's one example of a dropping board, although they can take many forms. They collect the poop from the roosting birds over night, keeping the bedding pretty much poop-free. Most just scrape the poop into a bucket each day (some scrape them a few times a week) w/ a putty knife or something similar.

One of my coops does not have a tall enough ceiling to walk in without stooping over....what a pain. Always build a tall enough coop or run so that you can walk in it.

Full size door
Can walk inside coop and run without banging head
nest boxes are inside to be warmer in winter but I have a door to get the eggs from the outside.
Deep litter method
poop boards for easier cleaning
Great ventilation. Entire overhangs are open and secure with hardware cloth. Very dry and no smelly coop.

Need to change
need more windows. In the winter the coop gets dark very quickly because of the one window. Egg production stopped until I added a light with a timer.
Need power for water heaters and lights in winter
I second making it bigger. Just like everyone can always use another gun, everyone ends up wanting another chicken. I build the house for 6 chickens, bought 8, now want to add two more. I fell in love with the look of the Easter Eggers. So the coop is a little crowded for 10. What I like about the coop is that it is very attractive. Has two windows, board and batten cedar siding. It makes me proud that I put all that work into it. I also like that I made a large run. I don't like that I didn't think to make a little "hut" to house the chicken feed, because currently I have to tote the feeder inside every night to keep rodents from eating it at night.
What I like:
vinyl floor, easy to clean
2 separate doors with ramps
cardboard nesting boxes, just throw on compost pile
Hanging feeder so nothing gets kicked in
have electric so can set timer, water heater
2 x 4s for roosting, better for warmth in winter
What I dislike:
I wish I would have used chicken wire for the top instead of bird netting
things get caught in the netting and weigh it down
don't have any roof over part of run (to be addressed)

BTW, I have found this to be VERY USEFUL--I have my girls trained to treats which came in handy this morning. Evidently I forgot to close the gate last night, and they were wandering all over the yard.
Normally they only free range when I'm home, but I have to work today. Soooo, I called them, threw their treats in the run, and in they go!!! Gate closed.

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I like the color and location. It's just too darn small. Need to redesign roosts and inside to take advantage of the height. The purple poultry palace.


Have added new run on other end where you see the chicken.

And redesigned the existing run so the top is slanted and snow can be cleaned off. I cover it with plastic on three side and the top so they can go outside in the winter. The plastic kinda makes a "green house" effect so it raises the temp some.

Forgot to add I've got no good broody set up, just not enough room. Have two hens sleeping together with their chicks in the same nest box.
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