What do you line the bottom of the bator at lockdown time??


9 Years
Jan 12, 2011
i used those rubber shelf liner things - are those okay or should I just let the eggs lie on the wire grid? Thanks.
I use the rubber liner as well. They clean up nice. Wire is OK as well just as long as it has the real small squares so feet don't fall through.
thank you so much for your answers - i'm a nervous nilly...my first time hatch...i'm on day 2 of lockdown and only two eggs rocking so i'm worrying myself to death on whether i've done everything right - the suspense is killing me!!!
Okay what do I do...I put down the paper towels and they absorbed the water from the sponges and are moist now....is this bad?? They aren't soaking wet just a little on the moist side. I have 2 layers of them in there since the first ones seemed to wet. Do I need to just remove them all together?

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