What do you say when someone thinks you are strange for having chicken addiction? So I'm a Dork... I

I get picked on by other people I know for being a chicken Addict. It not that they are trying to be mean, but you do feel kind of alienated even if they meant it in a joking fashion.
The thing is I love animals, I like having animals that I have to get up in the morning and go feed; even if that means blazing a path through two feet of snow.
My neighbors think I am weird because my chickens and I have spring training, where we all try to get back into shape by running around the yard. It's funny to watch me jogging around the barn a million times with 24 chickens running after me.
I like having fresh eggs, and I like knowing what has gone into the eggs.
So they can call me a freak, and a chicken addict all they want; but in the end I am who I am and I LOVE chickens!

I know mostly people are joking but sometimes some are being what they call passive aggressive in that they act like they are joking but in reality they just want to make you uncomfortable. Or get attention at your expense. usually you can tell which is which. I wouldn't call any one a name. But that's just me!
I would love to see your chickens follow you on your run. I may laugh at the chickens but not the runner.:D
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Anyone that DOESN'T think raising chickens is the coolest thing ever, is a 'dork' in my opinion
lol. I post a bunch of pictures of my chickens on my fb page. I'm sure people on my friends list get tired of seeing them, but I don't care. I'm a chicken addict, and proud of it! There are worse things than being a chicken addict, like being boring
@Cluck Wild Farm Totally agree. I have a few friends that are so high maintenance with all of their "stuff" I just can't be around them anymore. They think it's wierd. But I think it's more strange that some people need so many "things" and make fun of those who enjoy the simple pleasure of having chickens and animals.
I'm just starting my chicken addiction but for the longest time my family (Mom, step dad and I) have been the "odd" balls of my moms side of the family. They are more upper class and care about the finer things, and we live out in the country with our animals and are just as happy. Now that I got chickens, i can just imagine how there thinking about that. But I have 6 (soon to be more) little chicks that make me smile when I see them so thats all I care about in terms of what they think.
@chickwhispers Thank you and I am glade I did too. I have 6 chicks right now, 3 golden comets and 3 sex links, but tomorrow I may get some more! All depends on what they have. I got them just to have fresh eggs and lovely little critters and I have loved it since I got them.
Whats kinda sad about my family is that i learned that my grate grandma was a chicken farmer from California (I live in NY) and my grandpa was a dairy farmer, yet I'm the only grand kid kinda fallowing in there steps (with out even knowing it), sad how people drift away from there roots.
I remember my own aunt replying to a fb status about me getting chickens was "really?", but i can just here her voice. Whats sad is we took in her horse because she dosn't live where she can keep it, and she never comes to see her.
Its good to see people still clinging to there roots tho.
I'm just starting my chicken addiction but for the longest time my family (Mom, step dad and I) have been the "odd" balls of my moms side of the family. They are more upper class and care about the finer things, and we live out in the country with our animals and are just as happy. Now that I got chickens, i can just imagine how there thinking about that. But I have 6 (soon to be more) little chicks that make me smile when I see them so thats all I care about in terms of what they think.

Yesterday I was helping my friend put up an electric poultry fence, and your "upper class" mention reminded me of this. He lives in a rich neighborhood, and his parents own a house that's worth about $3 million. The other houses in the neighborhood are all also worth at least over $1 million. Anyway, you got my friend who's a hoarder and also raises chickens in this neighborhood. His chickens run all over the neighbors properties and of course they complain. Then my friend put up his electric poultry fence yesterday and his mom flipped out. They already hate the chickens, and now he has this sketchy electric poultry netting behind a $3 million dollar mansion and in the view of others. He's about to go off to college soon so his parents don't have to worry too much more, but I thought it was funny
I get teased all the time - by people who have their hands out for free eggs! Doesn't bother me, I just hatch more chickens and laugh at those whose pitiful lives don't include chickens.

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