what do you think about the food I use I have always used it but

Some breeds take a few more weeks to start laying than others. Since yours were hatched a little later in the year and coming into lay when the days are the shortest, they might not lay until a little later, when the days get longer. There's nothing about that food, that would keep them from laying. They'll lay eventually. I know it's hard, when you have people telling you it's your fault or you're doing something wrong. Really, they will lay when it's the right time for them. You aren't doing anything wrong.

I just thought of something. Did you mean you have been feeding them this food since they were chicks? If so, then that would delay their growth. Layer feed has less protein than chick starter. They would take longer to mature, because they wouldn't have enough protein to build their bodies with. If you had them on chick starter until recently and then switched to layer feed, then it's no problem.
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There should be nothing wrong with your feed. Ours get Local farm store brand 16% lay crumble or pellets and 1 scoop of scratch grain and are laying just fine. They started around 5 mos, were up to speed at 6. What breeds do you have? Ours are BRs and SLWs.
Is your friend saying that you're switching to layer feed too soon by switching at 6 months when your pullets aren't laying yet? Or have you been feeding layer feed all along? There are lots of folks who switch from chick to layer feed around 20 weeks so if that's what you've done, I wouldn't worry about it.
Thanks and no thay havn't been on layer feed the whole time

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