What does a dark red comb mean?


Araucana enthusiast
5 Years
Mar 16, 2016
North Central IN
My Coop
My Coop
I found lots of info regarding a pale comb and spots on combs, but not much on dark red combs. The only thing I stumbled across was in a few old threads was possible organ failure, but are there other reasons for dark combs? My rescued EE that was carried off by a fox slightly over a week ago started showing a dark red comb and cheeks yesterday. I thought she may have been hot but when I let her out this morning in the 60 degree temperature she was still deep red. She seems fine other than that, and the tooth marks from the fox seems to be healing nicely. Her poops are small but have been, other than that she seems normal.
Hi @Trish1974 Do you have photos or video?

How dark red? If purple/black dark red - could be an indication of lack of oxygen/organ failure.

Is she laying eggs? Sometimes if having difficult laying and/or reproductive disorders can also cause difficulty with oxygen as well. Feel her abdomen to see if there's any bloat, hardness, swelling or feels like it has fluid.
I'm not sure how old she is, but she is a mature hen. She lays every other day (just laid an hour ago). Here's a few pics. Maybe I'm just overly paranoid but she looks too dark (almost purple) to me.


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