What Does A Day 21 Candled Egg Look Like?


10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
I can't find pics anywhere of a good egg at that stage. My hens' eggs are a day late. I haven't candled cuz I don't have a clue what I'm looking for! The problem is compounded by the fact that the eggs are quite a deep green.


Really just an air space and a huge black mass in there then. Not a lot of information to be had. With super dark eggs sometimes you can't even see that.

If you can find the air space you can pip the egg yourself and listen. But 21... is not soon enough to worry over much. Low temps for a day or two or just a lazy chick could stretch that out.

A pip is when the chick has broken through the air cell and poked a tiny hole in the shell. It can take 24 hours from that point. Go shopping!!
Patience... a novel concept! It's not a strength of mine. OK we're at day 22 and the hen is acting strange, so hopefully there's good news brewing, known only to her
I hear little sounds, but I can't tell if she's making them or the egg! I think it's her.

I won't candle, if nothing can be seen. Thanks for that knowledge!

It would be a dark mass, however, since you should just leave them be from day 18 onwards for the best hatch, there are not likly many pics of day 21. Let them go for a few more days before opening the bator as cool temps could slow them down.

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