What does a prolapsed vent look like?


11 Years
Feb 16, 2008
Halifax Co Virginia
One of my hens has issues. Who am I kidding-all of my hens have issues. But this hen has a red welt, for lack of a better word, across her butt. It's maybe an inch long (horizontally) and an eight of an inch wide (vertically)-It looks like some one slapped her across her butt with a cane. So either I have the world's first chicken with a bdsm fetish or something is amiss. This hen is also molting & isn't currently laying.

I wanted to get a picture to post because lets face it, we all love looking at molting chicken butts. But int he middle of everything we have going on at our house, we forgot all about the chicken's butt. I'll try to throw a pic up here tomorrow.
If the vent looks inside out its probably prolapsed. I have some photos I coudl post to show you but I am too tired tonight to look for them.
I went out & checked on my chicken & was going to take a picture of her booty, but my stupid batteries died, so they are in the charger. Her butt doesn't look as bad today. It's not that angry, blaring red color, but it's swollen. My first evaluation was that it looked like a stripe from a cane beating. She was kind enough to let me inspect her butt more closely (she protested very loudly and with much flapping, pecking, and scratching. My roos were about to have a duck while all this was going on) The...whatever it is...is just above her vent and it looks like a hemorrhoid, I guess. Actually, it looks like the top of her vent is swollen.

As soon as my Nicads charge I'll get some pics up. The hen doesn't seem distressed and she is eating and griping like all the rest of them.
Finally got it all together & got a picture. It's a crappy picture though, and I mean that literally...Old Viv crapped all over me and my camera. The pic is very fuzzy, and my true love was holding her upside down (don't ask) so I had to flip the pic over...basically, her butt looks like the lips from Rocky Horror Picture Show, or like the mouth of the plant in Little Shop of Horrors. Maybe Viv has a future in spoof horror films.

Here she is, ready for her close up:

Is there no one who can tell me if this is a prolapsed vent or something else? I jest about it, but I want this chicken to be well & happy. These are my first chickens, so I honestly don't know what this is.

Help? Anybody?
I am a total novice but I have a hen (who I thought might be a rooster until today) who has a similar looking bee-hind. I'm no expert but after looking over forum after forum it looks like your hen has a prolapsed vent. From everything I've read you have to give her a warm bath to clean off any poop (if there's any) and then apply preparation H and keep the area moist with bag balm, neosporin, etc. Then keep her seperated from the rest as some say they will begin pecking at it. Our Betsy is currently happily sleeping in our dog kennel which we've put in the garage and covered with a sheet to keep it dark. I've been told we need to keep her from laying, or trying to lay until she's healed.

Hope that helps a little....
It really doesn't look like a prolapse to me. It is difficult to see and I have never had a chicken with a prolapse (but a gramma with one if that helps) but it just looks swollen not like anything is actually coming out of her vent.
A warm soak with this hen is an impossibility. She is buck-wild. I have a tough time catching her in the coop. I can't imagine keeping her still long enough to soak her.

She doesn't appear to be in pain. She is eating & drinking, scratching with the rest of the hens. And she doesn't have anything coming out of her vent-it's swollen and red, but not leaking or oozing. She is pooping as usual. She has pooped all over me every time I have tried to pick her up-she must be part buzzard.

Thank you ladies. Maybe I just need to try to separate her from the others & slather some neosporin on it. Man, I hate to do it, I know she's going to poop on me yet again
I reckon it's just part of the joy of raising poultry

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