What does a Silkie generally act like?

Silkies are friendly,fluffeh and cute. I use mine as a pillow.

He crows in my hands.
I have two and they are sweet birds and I also have banty cochins and they are very sweet and my turken likes to be held and i have a OEGB banty roo who is very docil
Neither of my silkies, Jethro and Ellie Mae, are overly friendly. Not the love bugs everyone raves about it. That's not their fault. I was sorta busy with meat birds at the time that Jeth and Ellie were in the brooder, so they weren't handled as much as they should have been.

Now that they are grown...Jeth has mellowed quite a bit since she is a mother. She's still a dimwit, no doubt about it. More than once I've had to rescue her babies, but she's pretty mellow nonetheless. Ellie Mae on the other hand, who btw at 11 months has yet to go broody (definitely a pullet, lays quite well)...there's only one word to describe Ellie..........TWIT! Pure and simple. She's a TWIT!

My best broody so far has been a total surprise - a salmon faverolles named Doe. She has three month old chicks that she is still good with, three 7 week old chicks that are her sister's that she's taking care of, and 5 two week old "store bought" chicks. Doe would mother a rock. My two other SFs are broody heads too, but not like Doe.
They are a docile breed, but with any bird you must pick them up and hold and get them use to it. I have a couple that love the attention and some that would rather you not mess with them. I have one that is mean when she is broody.
I have two silkies, Claudette and Jacob. I can't really say if they're quieter or more friendly than other chickens, since these are the only ones I've ever had. But they're good birds. I probaby should have held them more in the beginning the way I do now. They do not like being picked up, but once I have them in my lap and we're sitting down they'll cuddle up to me, let me pet them and give me gentle 'love pecks' as I call them. I make it a point to do this with both of them separately for at least half an hour. Claudette is the more friendly one, she doesn't make as big of a deal when I pick her up. Jacob FREAKS out. ^_^ right now I have them both sitting on the porch with me. They're very good about staying nearby when I let them loose in the yard.
I have a few who are soooo sweet and quiet, almost non-mobile. Then I have others who are tuffies, always active, and never shut up.

Although both are extremes, all of these qualities are perfect for broodies. I'd rather have the latter for a broody mama, honestly.

Edited to add: Silkies are not so different from many other breeds. It tends to be based on the individual bird.
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