What does "broody" mean?

My chicken pecks hard when i try to touch her. she hasn't moved sense yesterday. What should i do? Keep her as is?
My chicken pecks hard when i try to touch her. she hasn't moved sense yesterday. What should i do? Keep her as is?
Is she broody....sitting in the nest box, growling at you, clucking and acting broody? Is she on eggs? If she is on eggs, just let her do her thing. You might move some food and water close to her so she can get off the nest and get nourishment. You can hand feed her some treats to help keep weight on her as well.

If she is just broody, not setting on eggs or fertile eggs, you can get her out if you want. She may go back in, but I would take away any infertile eggs since you are only encouraging her to set more for nothing.

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