what does everybody have planted in the fall gardens

Corn, Beans, Squash, Bananas from my "mother" bananas, and some more Tomatoes to replace a few that died a couple months ago. in the greenhouse. . . .

The "actual" garden?
. . . . Nothing really, just lettin' my Chard, Lettuce, and Potatoes do their thing until it frosts.
well, its summer here, but in the garden we have year round crops leak, broccoli, welsh onion ( spring onion tops with leek like stalks)
theres more.. just cant remember lol =]
We have mixed lettuces and greens (mesclun mix, I believe), some arugula, spinach, bok choy, cauliflower, broccoli, and snow peas. In above-ground LARGE containers, I have carrots, radishes, cilantro, basil, mint, and oregano.

Over in the far corner, we have end-of-summer roma and cherry tomatoes and a couple of jalapeno plants still producing & 1 bell pepper plant that has 1 pepper left on it.

This is our first year here, and I've had to adjust my growing season because it's a very different climate, even though it's only an hour's drive from where we lived previously. Completely different soil and different weather. It's been kinda a fun "science experiment" to figure out what grows best here. The most challenging thing for me here has been the gophers and moles... never had to deal with them before.
I have 2 raised beds 8 x 16. One is resting for winter and I loaded it with horse manure so by May when I plant for spring it should be awesome. This is only the second planting for these beds. The other bed has only 6 of each broccoli, cauliflower, red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce and mesculin. I do have brussel sprouts to put in and I think Ill try carrots but not sure where Ill put them yet. We filled the pool with dirt when we moved in here July of 2010 and this summer it was a pumpkin and melon patch. I think I will load that with manure too and wait for spring. The soil is VERY poor here and high winds (just in my little area of less than a square mile) We also get more rain that the other nearby areas because of our funny location beneath a table top mountain with a lake on the other side. Im keeping an almanac of sorts because our spot just doesnt jive with anywhere else around here. Im in central CA foothills. I must add that it is way too hot at 90 degrees today and very humid. In my big opinion once pre season football starts it ought to be nice cool fall weather!
use you chicken poop compost it is great.i use that, horse and goat compost and worm castings. i don't even fertilize, i started 3 years ago with that FL sand and now i have rich soil . grows anything i put in it well. when it comes to eating the vegees everyone wants to, that but where are they when the weeds need pulling.
weeds, lots n lots of weeds....

After the failure of our garden this summer, we decided to move it next year and basically just let it go.

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