What does everybody use for their chick brooders.

This year I'm trying something new and novel. I have these grow windows. They're bay windows of double glaze glass, bright, sunny and warm with a view of the sky and all outdoors. I rigged some netting across the back that faces into my garage so the chicks won't fall out and the cat can't get in. I also rigged shade cloth over the top outside to shield them against the overhead bright sun.

My problem is getting the chicks. They're been on back order for three months, and I'm getting to the end of my rope waiting for the feed store owner who orders them to get his act together.
My first batch was 26 chicks while it was still very cold. We used the basement pantry as a brooder for them. Right now I have 12 bantam babies and they are in a cardboard box. I have a never ending supply of large boxes. People bring them to me all the time since we organize donations for shelters and such. I think I will probably just keep using boxes.
we use a card board box or a ferret cage, layed down. We use our brooders in a shed so that draft is not an issue and use heat lights of course. The nice thing about the cage is that its closed so no one escapes or gets eaten, all the older birds wander in during feedings and start to get used to the newbies, and I put cardboard in it too line it at first to protect their feet and legs but after a week or so I can take out the cardboard out and raise the cage an inch and its much easier to clean the area under them
I made one out of a storage tote but I think I'm going to wrap an old dog crate with cardboard for the next one.
My first batch, I used a large dog crate with a cardboard box in it. Then my DH built me a 48"x48"x24" wooden box with scrap lumber. It has a wire top and a holder for my heat lamp. It is on wheels so we can move it.
I'm using 2 plastic storage tubs with sand and pdz.
I put an old window screen over the tops,
and clipped the heat lights onto a floor lamp.
One tub sits on a small table and the other tub
sits on top of my wood stove,
that way they are up high enough so my dogs can't get to them.
We are using our kids' old playpen - it's about 28" wide, 44" long, 30" high -- a few minor retrofits (1/8" panel board placed in the bottom, made a lid for it out of 1" x 4" and hardware cloth). Throw some pine shavings on the floor & add a heat lamp -- good to go.

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