What does everyone think?


8 Years
Aug 26, 2011
I was listening to news radio last night and something caught my attention: they were talking about how a completely paralysed man wanted help to die, and how his... wife, I think it was, was willing to help him do it. But under the law, that would be classified as murder, and they were arguing their case to get that law changed.

I'm on the fence for this one. Hmmm...
Oh, I don't know. Quite personally if I had been in his situation I would have wanted to die too, though allowing this legally would probably bring a whole heap of loopholes where suicide is suddenly "normal"...
Good question.
Yeah, they were talking about how a 'normal' person has the choice to take their own life, so it's unfair on the disabled if they don't have the same rights. it was pretty interesting.
It would kind of be like euthanazing animals - only if their quality of life has deteriorated to such a point, though there's always the "psycologial" angle which argues that the quality of life is also dramatically reduced... idk I would think only if it was irreparable and the quality of life was very poor that it would warrant suicide/Assisted suicide (?)
I agree with it. I'd rather have a doctor help me pass then suffer.
Heres the thing... if i KNEW i was going to die..i mean if it was FOR SURE. And i was at the point of starting to suffer... I probably would hasten my death MY way.(i'd say a drug OD is the way to go..).. but what if i screw it up??
I'd like a doctor be able to help me pass with no pain...
We do it for animals... why not us?
Do you ever get scared by those stories of suicide where bedridden victoms starve themselves to death?
Ugh. If it was legal those horrible stories probably wouldn't be so common...
I'd probably want an OD too, thinkin about it...
Yeah, I'm for legalized voluntary human euthanasia. There are several situations where I'd prefer not to be sitting around wasting away. My husband knows what I want done if I'm lying brain dead on life support, and he can at least legally do something about that. Legal or not though, I really can't see anyone being able to stop me if I really wanted to. Suicide does happen several times over daily after all.
Do you ever get scared by those stories of suicide where bedridden victoms starve themselves to death?
Ugh. If it was legal those horrible stories probably wouldn't be so common...
I'd probably want an OD too, thinkin about it...

Oh yes, the man on the radio said (well, his wife said) that starving himself to death was something he was seriously thinking about. I thought that was horrible! Nobody should have to go through that... yew...
And nobody's asked:

Why is he suicidal? Lots of people are entirely paralyzed and living full lives...

Does he have an internet setup he can use? It's possible to control a computer with only your eyes - if you have the proper equipment and arrangements.

Are there any telecommuting jobs he can do?

Does his wife have assistance in caring for him? Do they have bed and bath lifts?

Is the house accessible (or like most houses, does it become a trap as soon as you can't walk?)

Can he leave the house - does he have a power chair, ramp, and wheelchair van?

Does anyone visit them and invite them out?

It's very telling that we, as a society, would rather people commit suicide, than let them have the things they need to live an actual life. (The folks who are against suicide just say basically it's your duty to suffer - no one ever thinks of improving their lives!)
I have to say that I'm in favor of a person having a say so on whether or not they want to continue to live. If someone is suffering, then I think they should have the right to make that decision.

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