What does my Chicken have?


Feb 26, 2023
So I recently noticed one of my Hens was separating herself from the flock, head tucked back, lazy, sick looking, pale comb. Not so sick that she was losing balance but she definitely didn't want to walk. She also wasn't eating or drinking (wouldn't eat her snacks she loves either) we brought her inside 2 days ago, gave her water with ACV and colloidal silver in it. Alsp gave her an epsom salt bath. She drank some water and later that night she did eat finally and drink more. She didnt eat a lot though. Yesterday she ate a lot more and drank all day also. Because we live in a cold area I didn't want to keep her inside too long and have her get used to the heat and then freeze when she goes back out. So because she was eating and drinking better I put her back out. Maybe it was too soon but any ideas what could be wrong with her. We ruled out egg bound and coccidiosis .. idk much about any other sickness. Help please :)
Sudden changes in temp can cause coccidiosis. Was it recently hot before and jumped cold? Maybe there is something in the coop. Keep watch on other chicks
Could you possibly get some pictures of her?? I am thinking coccidiosis, sour crop, or just molting. Leaning toward coccidiosis or sour crop though.
Are you noticing any feather loss??
How does her crop feel?? Firm and hard?? Soft and squishy like a water balloon??
How old is your hen? Has she molted this year? Do you know when she last laid?
Check her crop, is it empty, full, hard, soft and squishy, etc? Feel it again first thing in the morning before she's had access to food or water, see if it's empty then (it should be). Feel her abdomen, below the vent between the legs, is there any bloat, either water balloon like or very firm? Compare with another if not sure. Any discharge from eyes, nares, beak, look inside beak and throat for any plaques or lesions, any coughing, sneezing or wheezing? Go over her thoroughly looking for any injuries that might be hiding in feathers and check for any signs of mites/lice, link below with images.

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