What dogs do everyone own?

We have to Sable Rough Collies
I am SO
Auggie-Male-11-AKC name- Ceaser Augustus the 14 (or maybe 16th idk)
Rory-Female-2 (3 in June)- AKC name- Aurora Delilah
We chose the breed because my dad had them when he was a kid so here we are.
Auggie's story
We got Aug when he was 6 months old from our dear friend and AKC breeder after he was returned by a crabby 60 year old lady because

she had wanted a "lap dog" (what an idiot).
:lau :lau :lau
They had ALWAYS done really intense backround checks and because this one lady was so nice they just did a 'light' backround check on her. That was a mistake. Only male left of his line too, such a shame.
Oh no!
So we took him for 60 bucks because the lady didn't keep up on cropping his ears
and was no longer show worthy with extreme anxiety from crazy witch. We love his a lot, he just had surgery 2 weeks ago to fix his paralyzed layrnix. (that was expensive let me tell ya).

Rory's Story
Honestly it doesn't seem like we have had her for 2 years, feels like 2 months sometimes. She is from the same breeder (they are called Tapestry Collies btw, Indianola, Iowa.) I was pretty broke when I bought her but we were desperate for a companion dog after Louie passed (more on him later). Lisa made a bargain and our perfectly show quality dog was only 600 dollars, she should have been 2,600. We were really good at keeping her ears cropped at the start so she has really good form but very little flop as we gave up twards the end. We tried honestly, but it is REALLY hard you guys. She is really good at keeping hawks away but not such a good herder. She has microphthalmia so she cant see all that great either, we don't blame her. She is sassy and will bark at me in great anger if I laugh (only me though someone help lol). She gets UTI's a lot because she get angry when I brush her and some times I nick her lady bits (oops. I promise I am a good person). She needs a bath so bad rn. She cries and cries though unless she is at her groomer, then she is an angel. Ugh. but alas we love her just the same.
Awww :love
Louie's Story
Louie passed away in 2016 at the age of 5 from stage 4 liver cancer.
Oh no! I'm so sorry.
He was the most beautiful tri-colored collie I had ever seen,
you have the most perfect pets, I absolutely adore collies and desperately want one that is sable or tricolor
we got him for free because he was blind in one eye. He wasn't double merle but he had that same disease.
Oh, the same genetic thing?
I recall he and Auggie used to fight a lot because they were both unfixed males, not sure why I never fixed Louie, prob wasn't a good idea not too. I was young and dumb. Auggie is not fixed because we were going to breed him but backed out last minute. I feel him slip away a little more each day and it makes me sad and confused. We miss him dearly and he wasn't supposed to leave us so soon. He was a horrid herder but he was unique.
He sounds like a wonderful dog, I'm sorry for his early loss.
We also have a 20 year old cat named Sammy but she is a whole nother ball game, but she doesn't like to feel left out.
It's how you get their ears all floppy
Taping Collie Ears (Page 1) - Line.17QQ.com
you tape them down here is an article- https://aidancollies.com/ear-taping
everybody does it different though
Oh no! I'm so sorry.
It's ok we couldn't have had Rory if he wasn't gone. As sad as it is.
you have the most perfect pets, I absolutely adore collies and desperately want one that is sable or tricolor
Oh thanks!
Oh, the same genetic thing?
not the same as rory but if you cross a merle you have a chance of puppies with blindness and deafness. Its a whole thing... https://www.doublemerles.info/what-...enetic possibilities,bred from two merle dogs.
I don't have any pics on this new phone of her, but we have a pit named Jasmynn. She just turned 11 on April 7th. I have never and will never own another dog like her. She has been an absolute blessing as an addition to our family. We haven't regretted it for a second. She is smart, well mannered, well behaved, and the most trusting dog ive ever encountered. We got her when my oldest (now 11) was just a baby, so she has been raised with my 4 children. She is like another child to us. I dread the day we will have to say goodbye to her. Thankfully though, there no clues that that day is any time soon. Shes happy and healthier than most senior dogs. You would never know she was 11. She wasn't always in the best of health though, when we got her as a pup, she was a bit neglected. She has suffered sarcoptic mange, two bouts of parvo, snake bites, etc. She had it quite rough at times. The snake bite and parvo was obviously the roughest. All of which i treated on my own so I've spent many hours, days, and nights giving her extra special care and attention 24/7. Maybe thats why we are so close and she is so loving and trusting of human companions. The bond we have with her is truly something special. Pit bulls get quite a bad reputation, but i honestly would choose one over any other breed. Or atleast in my experience with her, qnd other breeds. She has never even crossed her eyes poorly at anyone. When someone says their pit is nothing but a big ol baby, i can say it with 10x the confidence. We do have a long haired chihuahua we got almost two years ago too, JuJu. We got quite lucky with him as well. I dont care to much for small dogs because of their yapping and their little man complexes, but thankfully he was an exception. He's very well mannered and chill as well.
I own a standard poodle, black & white, neutered male. I'd post a picture but my laptop had a melt down so I'm just getting used to my new one. When I can figure it out lol I will post.
Lmao love when that happens. How old? I bet you love talking about how there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. I sure do lol
It's how you get their ears all floppy
Taping Collie Ears (Page 1) - Line.17QQ.com
you tape them down here is an article- https://aidancollies.com/ear-taping
everybody does it different though
Oh cool!
Yep, I know- one merle dog will give either 50% merle puppies or shadow/phantom merles. Two male dogs will give double merle puppies that usually have eye and ear problems that are just generally very unhealthy, but if you breed a double merle dog, 100% of the puppies will be merle.
i have a girl, named bonnie adorable mini Dachshund 1 year old:
then I have another mini Dachshund named clide 1 year old:
then a Rottweiler named karma 5 years old:
then max another Rottweiler 7 years old:
we use to have Gracey another Rottweiler she died when she was 10 years old:
poor baby she will always be remembered...❤
Oh cool!

Yep, I know- one merle dog will give either 50% merle puppies or shadow/phantom merles. Two male dogs will give double merle puppies that usually have eye and ear problems that are just generally very unhealthy, but if you breed a double merle dog, 100% of the puppies will be merle.
Yeah I still don't really understand why though. Lack of genetic diversity? Idk but its bad obviously I know his mom was merle and his dad was tricolored

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