What eggs to incubate this spring?


Aug 9, 2020
North Carolina
We’d really like to get some different colored eggs and chickens to incubate this spring to add to our aging Buff Orpington and Easter Egger flock of 9 hens. We are only getting 2-3 eggs/day this summer as the hens are not only getting older (most 3 yo only 3 are 1 yo) and hot! What would be the recommended mix for both pretty eggs and chickens that would do well together? We have a wonderful rooster and will probably incubate a few of our own eggs as well. Suggestions??
I'm also looking to add some nice colored egg layers. Im thinking cream legbars are on my list . I currently have 5 pullets. Im thinking about ordering fertile eggs and choosing 2/3 pullets each year to add to the flock.

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