What every High School Principal SHOULD say: (I agree)

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It may also surprise you as to what is loosely referred to as a club, some are "clubs" as a front to normalize and legitimize a certain behavior or a new "culture". Kids are in school to learn not to run the place as they seem fit, I shutter to think what the school would be like if my youngest son were left to his own devices.
I must be really out of touch with the times. A million years ago in the schools I attended all clubs were open to all students. I would think it is the same way now with all the equal opportunity and race relations laws.
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I must be really out of touch with the times. A million years ago in the schools I attended all clubs were open to all students. I would think it is the same way now with all the equal opportunity and race relations laws.

like you said cultures change all the time

and they come and go

there is nothing wrong with a new culture forming, as well as a sub culture. it happens in every generation.
I'm more concerned about that "chickenlover" comment...
Where did that come from again?
I know that BYC has the "grump"..in place of the B-word....( the forum automatically censors it)
to be a productive adult one must also be made aware of other cultures

his point is moot because he is leaving out a huge part of becoming a functional adult by exposing the children to things they most likely will not learn from home,

this includes sociology, history, social science, sex education, home economics, shop, and the arts

The original posting was made by someone who is in the social majority, whether they think so or not (which, for clarity, has nothing to do with numbers). If you study sociology, particularly comparative and historical sociology, it often happens that the majority doesn't realize that they have a "racial identity" because their racial identity is the norm. Without any other information about another person, the majority will expect most (more than is reasonable to expect) to be like themselves, while those not in the social majority will expect most people to be like the majority (aka THEM, and you know how THEY are). This is not one of those situations that anyone is right about, because much of it depends on which side of the majority you find yourself. The people who disagree realize that the movement to rid our country of heritage is someone who didn't feel the need for theirs (because they don't have to remember it, it's everywhere). I am pretty sure it's just that simple, but someone will tell me I'm wrong :eek:P

Also: The OP was advocating putting social engineering into the classroom, and pretty strictly, from the sound of it.

I would dearly love to see where an Alaska Native reservation defaulted on land. Please give sources. I find the whole concept interesting because there are no reservations in Alaska. There are Alaska Native Corporations, but no reservations.

I know that where I grew up, some tribal elders sold house property, illegally. It took a long time to resolve the issue. One of the issues was that religious leaders, unfamiliar with native culture, deemed the regalia as religious items incompatible with Christian beliefs. There were other issues of ownership, who had the right to sell, who was the house guardian, etc.

As for the OPs posting. On the surface of it one might say "wow, good ideas" until you start thinking about what the posting really means. Particularly the bit on languages. You can have foreign language clubs, but you are not allowed to discuss the culture that the language is part of. Like that makes any since at all. How can you talk about another language without bringing in the ideas of other cultures and differences?
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It seems the focus of Junkmanme's thread has evolved to be about culture rather than a basic education. We have a high drop out rate and too many kids graduate without being fluent in English, math, reading, and writing. In fact, some are functionally illiterate. Our usual response is to throw more money at education rather than fixing the problem. Kids cannot learn basics in one school year with a fruit basket of fluff courses and culture clubs. There simply isn't time.

I've heard that some schools in Chicago are now going 200 days a year instead of 180. While kids in China and India are focusing on engineering, math, and science, we evidently are focusing on socializing our children, which hasn't worked either. Discipline is a huge problem in our schools. In my local high school a 17 year old is being disciplined for hitting a teacher in the face.

This subject has been discussed on this board before.
Country lady you are right, and this is why it will never work. People worry more about the "gimme" aspect than education. There is no one in any of our public schools that was ever a slave, or in a concentration camp. It's time to let the past go and move forward. The more club for certain races, and government offices for certain races, and scholarships for certain races there are, the bigger divide there will be between all races. It's time to move on and be humans, not races.
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