what "exactly" does the egg laying rating mean?


9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
Ok, so breeds are classified as "excellent", "good" "fair" or "poor" egg layers... What exactly does this mean? Is an excellent layer 6 days a week, while a good one is only 5? I'm just a little confused and I've searched google, backyardchickens, and other sights and can't seem to find this information...
I don't know what the exact definitions would be, but I have a red sex link that laid daily through rain or shine, hot or cold. I would say she was more than "excellent" and I have a Polish who lays for a day or two and then quits for a week. I'd say that's the epitome of "poor".
Thanks! Lol... Well I know the hatcheries tell you if they are excellent, good, fair and poor, and what size eggs they have... So I just didn't know if I got a breed that was "good" what that meant... For as many chickens as I want to keep I do NOT need excellent layers, I'll have eggs coming out my ears!!!

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