what exactly is fluffy?

See, fluffy butt looks like a roo to me. He has a walnut comb right? From what I understand that's the norm. My fluffy has just a normal sized and looking one and smaller waddles.
It is very difficult to tell on silkies (girl/boy) but I believe that is a boy. The wattles are small on roos and some are extremely late crowers - I have one that is 6 months and just showed his roohood. Usually (not always) hens have a nearly flat comb on top and the boys have a bumpy one. The best way to tell is the "streemers" but yours doesnt have much of a poof so that way doesnt help.

This ones a roo right? I have three of these!
from that pic it looks like a hen. if you can get a closer shot of its shoulders and up and the its back i can see the feathers on it better
Totally don't get, a rag?
PLEASE DON'T BE A ROO!!! Maybe he wont crow? I hear a honk every now and then but no cock a doodle roo, which I have just started hearing from three others. I only have six, I don't want to get rid of four! Especially not fluffy.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but yes.. It is definitely a roo. Those legs are too long, even with bad quality hatchery silkie.. A hen would be shorter.


My silkie roo. He is from a breeder, not a hatchery.

Oh and my 8 week old silkie hen had lots of foot feathers.. I wouldn't think he would get any more than he has already.

ETA: My silkie roo crows. A lot. I don't have another rooster crowing yet to compare to, but he crows whenever he feels like it. The neighbours can all hear it. Fortunately, I am allowed to have roos.. If you are not, I would suggest rehoming him before he crows..
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