What feeders and waterers do y'all use?

Since I ferment my feed metal feeders are not an option for me. I use shallow rubbermaid containers, and homemade wooden troughs for feed.
I use mostly hanging nipple waterers for my flocks because they stay so much cleaner. I also have a couple of LG plastic waterers that I use. The turkeys get their water in a two gallon bucket, and the ducks get watered in 15 gallon rubbermaid bowls.
When training to nipples all other water sources should be removed.

I would second that! chickens have poor night vision but excellent color vision and that red stands out. it takes an initial phase of them getting thirsty and then boom, they start pecking at the red nipples and start noticing the glorious consistency of cool clear water. as soon as you add back water dishes, you will see them gather round and drink frantically, just like if you add a new kind of food. I think they prefer drinking from a dish but they don't understand biology so they don't appreciate the value of clean water but as their caretakers we very much appreciate them being healthier and the waterers requiring a lot less cleaning out.
When training to nipples all other water sources should be removed.
sounds very logic , oops ! Thx for reminding me to that one !! So probably they just do understand but think to themselves " why bothering if we can drink anywhere around us " , so silly of me , too busy trying to make sure they 'd find water everywhere and forgetting totally that a drinkingsystem with nipples is totally new to them .
Thx !
I would second that! chickens have poor night vision but excellent color vision and that red stands out. it takes an initial phase of them getting thirsty and then boom, they start pecking at the red nipples and start noticing the glorious consistency of cool clear water. as soon as you add back water dishes, you will see them gather round and drink frantically, just like if you add a new kind of food. I think they prefer drinking from a dish but they don't understand biology so they don't appreciate the value of clean water but as their caretakers we very much appreciate them being healthier and the waterers requiring a lot less cleaning out.
did not even know chickens were good in seeing colors , cool things to discover about them :)
It can take time. Some get it right off the bat, others take longer.
Mark the water level so you can see how much has been consumed,
even better if you know how much they drink from an open waterer.
If weather is extreme(hot or cold) I put out regular waterer out at very end of day for 30 minutes to make sure they don't dehydrate.
The best investment I have made for a waterer after trying two different methods was a food safe bucket and the chicken nipples (SO SILLY TO SAY OUTLOUD) from TSC. If you have a power drill and 5 minutes you can make a chicken nipple waterer, and they literally took to it instantly (because red bucket/red nipples and my chickens like new/colorful things). Feeders, I just have that steel cheap gravity feeder big guy and I fill it halfway. They go through it every couple days or so.

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