What fencing do you have for the duck pen? And why?

Here's what I got set up today. I found very nice heavy duty wire kennel panels on C List for very cheap, about a 1/4 of the price new. Going to run 4 foot wide hardwire mesh around the bottom 3 feet and a foot folded down on the ground and buried all around. And have to figure out the roof yet. Going to go with a framework and hardwire mesh across the top or metal roofing with a framework and self tapping screws. I have to add more venting to the house yet. And get a load of sand or pea gravel for the floor of the run. Have to figure that out.

Update on the escape artists: They were out 3 hours after I test penned them. It was our conclusion that the new home is not to their liking and they will not easily stay there. Rather than attempt to win such a battle with these guys, we will divide the current pen, taking some of the area away from them but leaving the house and water and food areas. Then we will take the snow fence and some chicken wire and expand the remaining current pen, add a gate and a house and put the Pekins in there. Sometimes it's easier to just to go along. The Muscovies actually had to be chased out of their current pen to forage, so I don't see getting them to move.
Nice. How many?

Ducks? 4 as of now that will be moving in probably in June. I figure that's about right for the 24 square foot house since in winter they'll be living inside for most of the day. Maybe add two more later if I think there's room.
Ducks are so frustrating! We gave them back their old pen and they were all in it this morning--no escapes. However, the first thing they did was go over to the pen they escaped from, check out the grass and shade and then wondered off to other areas. Seems it's okay to visit, just not to stay. More insulting, the duck that is laying didn't lay in the old pen but went over to the new pen and laid her egg there! She was the one that stayed in the pen with her egg when the others escaped.
We added an 8 by 8 foot addition to the old pen, partitioned part off from the old pen (using a secure divider) and now the Pekins, when they are old enough, will have a covered 8 by 12 area. The two breeds will be able to see each other, but remain separate in the pens.
Ducks are so frustrating!  We gave them back their old pen and they were all in it this morning--no escapes.  However, the first thing they did was go over to the pen they escaped from, check out the grass and shade and then wondered off to other areas.  Seems it's okay to visit, just not to stay.  More insulting, the duck that is laying didn't lay in the old pen but went over to the new pen and laid her egg there!  She was the one that stayed in the pen with her egg when the others escaped.  
We added an 8 by 8 foot addition to the old pen, partitioned part off from the old pen (using a secure divider) and now the Pekins, when they are old enough, will have a covered 8 by 12 area.  The two breeds will be able to see each other, but remain separate in the pens. 

It sounds frustrating, but we have noticed that ducks are ritual and when you move them it takes a little before they adjust to their surroundings. As far as them escaping, I think certain breeds are more likely to have that tendency than others. Once the two breeds are mature size they could be together. They are both large breeds. We have not had any trouble with escaping, but we do not have either breed. Down the road from us a family has both your breeds and we see escapees often.

Hopefully your solution works; good luck!
I only really have one true "pen" and that is for my Calls, it's a 10x10 dog run.. then their locked in housing at night.

The rest of mine free range... they do have 1/3 of an acre fenced around the main duck barn and extra coop but it's merely 5ft chicken wire.. sorta keep them in, my main breed flies so they can leave if they please too.

As for red brand field fence? they make many types.. i have sheep and goat type here, as well as page fencing for the horses.. their is also a corn crib type(it's on some of my sheep areas) which does keep the ducks out, unless they fly in... so it would work for keeping some in BUT preds can climb so unless it's covered i wouldn't trust it overnight.

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