What gender am I? a lot of pictures!


12 Years
I think this chick might be a cockeral. His comb is already red, he has thicker legs and he has longer tail feathers. what does everyone think. I will post pics of him and then some of the others to compare. They are 4 weeks this tuesday.
Here he/she is

a close up kinda of his comb.



and then his pretty feathering

and then here is a few others which I am pretty sure are hens.
There were standing like this cause they was lookin into the brooder at the other chicks.


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I hope this isn't bad news, but it looks like it may indeed turn into a rooster. I got 2 Ameraucana/EE "pullets" a few months ago and one, who had a prominent comb as yours does, started crowing a few days ago. I kind of wondered why this one's comb was more developed than the others. Now I know.
OH but thats good...i didn't mention I WANT a rooster. As of now we don't have one and we have a lead hen that is doing some damaged as she trys to mate with the other hens. I want the rooster to come in and hopefull teach her a lesson (tell her hey Im the man around here not u missy.
I would say Roo as well. Ameracaunas can take longer then other breeds to develop the red color in their combs.

This is our Roosa at 2 years old and as you can tell his still is not a very tall comb like other breeds.


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