what gender are my chickens?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 27, 2012
Hi, I am new to raising chickens and I am dying to know what gender I have. I have 5 different breeds so I have nothing to compare them to. My Barred Rock, Black Australorp and I believe White Leghorn (I ordered a Buff Orpington) are all 9 weeks old. The Blue Cochin Bantam is 8.5 weeks old and my Silkie is 10 weeks old. The first three I ordered as pullets and the last two were straight run. I can't wait to hear your opinions. Thank you.
Now I think I'll go vacuum that rug.
The first three look like pullets. The cochin is iffy, check back in a few weeks. I don't recall my cochin pullets having any comb to speak of until a few months old.

Silkies I don't even guess.
all look like pullets but i cant see the silkies comb to be sure...if that cochin was a cockerel its comb would be bigger and redder and it would have wattles as well check out my albums to see my 2 cochins (both bantams)
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The Silkie really doesn't have much of a comb. I have read that if they come from "show stock" that they may not get much of a comb or wattles. Time will tell I guess. The breeder told me to watch for the streamers at about 4 months. I just thought I would throw a photo up of each. Thank you. It is so fun to see what others who have chickens think. I change my opinion every day.
I'm guessing pullets for all of them except the Silkie. Poofy Silkies are difficult to sex until they crow or lay an egg.
here are a couple more pictures of my silkie. the top on was taken today at 10 weeks and I think the bottom one was at 3-4 weeks.

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