What gender are these?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 25, 2012
Delaware County, PA
Hi, I'm not sure what genders these are. Please help!

This is Lily/Leo
She/he is an 8-week old chick. We aren't sure about the gender because it has the long tail feathers but no comb.
(I think if you click on the pictures they get larger)


This is Fro
She/he is also an 8-week old chick. I think it might have hackle feathers.
(I think if you click on the pictures they get larger)


This is Eleanor
She/he is a 8-week old chick. I think this one is a girl but I would like some more opinions.
(I think if you click on the pictures they get larger)


This is all of them

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!
I'm thinking Fro isa boy... and I can't tell for sure... But does Lili/Leo have red/rusty plumage coming in? If so, it's a rooster. I think you're correct on Elanor. GOodluck, hopefully more people can help decide more.
1st and 2nd are cockerels....do keep in mind that black and white ee's are very hard to sex and so are the solid white ee's for future reference
Some visual aids to show you that cocks have the rusty plumage like yours.
For example: This EE is a rooster because

of the rusty feathers coming in.

This leghorn mix is a rooster.... etc...
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not all cockerels have a rusty color and im confused as to what this post is in reference to...
I know. I'm saying, these sort of rusty colors coming in, indicate they are roosters. Just trying to have some visual aids... sorry.
I'm thinking Fro isa boy... and I can't tell for sure... But does Lili/Leo have red/rusty plumage coming in? If so, it's a rooster. I think you're correct on Elanor. GOodluck, hopefully more people can help decide more.
Lily/Leo doesn't have any rusty feathers and we acually had another EE chick that looked just like her when they were chicks and the other one has rusty colored feathers. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

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