What gender is our Australorp?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 5, 2011
We are new to owning chicks. When we purchase them on (1/2/2011) as chicks (a week or 2 old), the shop told us that what we brought are going to be hens. We got 6 of them, supposedly all hens, since our city ordinance doesn't allow roosters. Now I'm worried that one of them might not be a pullet, since it has a crown and making a funny sound day before and yesterday but not today (not regular) but more like a hackle sound. Here are a couple of shot of what kids' named Penguin. Penguin is about 5 to 6 weeks old and think it's an Australorp. Can someone help determine if this is a pullet or will it become a rooster? Thanks so much.

Oops, it's not letting me post the photos. Can someone help with that too?
Because of spam problems, new members can't post pics until they have a few posts (not sure how many). I think you can make yourself a page and post the pictures there. Click on MY Page on the blue bar up top.
Try uploading the pics on photobucket. Send me the link and I will post them.

And with australorps, it is easy to tell the genders early. Mine had a red comb and wattles by 4 weeks and the beginnings of little spurs
Thanks JulieChick. I went there and tried to upload my photo but it only gave the link, no photos. Okay, I guess I'll read more and post some more replies to others and try again. I love this site...it helps especially since we are still new to this. :)
Hi there! I think that BYC had to institute a new policy that folks can't post photos initially because there was a problem with spammers.

Pullets will make all kinds of sounds - if the chick is only 5 or 6 weeks old it is possible that it's crowing, but it could be something else. It is kind of hard to tell at 5-6 weeks old - does he have an obviously red comb and wattles? That would probably mean male.

Usually male chicks start to develop pointy saddle and hackle feathers around 10 weeks or older - that is the surest way to tell. You can see what those feathers look like on the illustrations under chicken anatomy I believe.

Good luck!
Thanks MagicPigeon! I did create an account but thanks to Olive Hill, it's posted.
Thank you so much everyone. Oh no, we are in trouble...I guess we have to call the shop and ask if we can return him. It's about 45 minutes from our city. My kids will be so disappointed.
Thanks again for the quick replies. This is such an awesome site for us newbies. :) I'm glad we found it.
Hi there! I think that BYC had to institute a new policy that folks can't post photos initially because there was a problem with spammers.

Pullets will make all kinds of sounds - if the chick is only 5 or 6 weeks old it is possible that it's crowing, but it could be something else. It is kind of hard to tell at 5-6 weeks old - does he have an obviously red comb and wattles? That would probably mean male.

Usually male chicks start to develop pointy saddle and hackle feathers around 10 weeks or older - that is the surest way to tell. You can see what those feathers look like on the illustrations under chicken anatomy I believe.

Good luck!

Thank you! I need to find the illustrations and look up the terms. Thanks so much for all the information and support!

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