What gender is this chicken? And breed


In the Brooder
Oct 23, 2023
I'm thinking a male but the restaurant where he/she was dumped thinks female. Any ideas? They're a beautiful chicken!
If you need more pictures or different angles, I can get them. Just let me know and give me some time to go capture them on camera. This chicken doesn't seem too people friendly.
I'd say he's a Brahma/Wyandotte mix. (Easter Egger is another possibility in mix due to coloring.) He's definitely a rooster. I can't really tell how much spur he has, but I'd say he's 5-7 months or older. He was probably dumped because he started crowing. How friendly toward you is he? (A rooster beginning to attack is another reason why people abandon.)
He's a cocker

I'd say he's a Brahma/Wyandotte mix. (Easter Egger is another possibility in mix due to coloring.) He's definitely a rooster. I can't really tell how much spur he has, but I'd say he's 5-7 months or older. He was probably dumped because he started crowing. How friendly toward you is he? (A rooster beginning to attack is another reason why people abandon.)
He will only attack if he's cornered and you come towards him. I wasn't attacked by him but the kid chasing him was. He seems to want to stay away from people. His red rooster buddy on the other hand attacked me as I was 10 feet away headed to my truck!
I'd say he's a Brahma/Wyandotte mix. (Easter Egger is another possibility in mix due to coloring.) He's definitely a rooster. I can't really tell how much spur he has, but I'd say he's 5-7 months or older. He was probably dumped because he started crowing. How friendly toward you is he? (A rooster beginning to attack is another reason why people abandon.)
Thats exactly what I had originally typed! I think he is a brahma Wyandotte mix too!

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