What Gender is this Salmon Faverolle ?


In the Brooder
Aug 18, 2023
I was told you are able to sex Salmon Faverolles based on colour from a young age. This chick is 2.5 weeks old. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
12-24 weeks so 3-6 months I can begin to tell the sex. Was this a mix of male, female when you got them?
Yes, I got them as day olds. They came unsexed. I have 10 in total but different breeds. The hatchery said the Salmon faverolls usually are able to sex early (not sure how early) where as with the rest I should wait until they crow/lay.
Its coloring looks female to me, but the comb seems large for its age & size. I would give this one a few more weeks. Watch the breast feathers as they grow in. Females should have pale salmon colored breast feathers, and males will get black breast feathers.
Okay great, thank you. I am new to owning chicks so very curious how they will turn out. :)
Yes, I got them as day olds. They came unsexed. I have 10 in total but different breeds. The hatchery said the Salmon faverolls usually are able to sex early (not sure how early) where as with the rest I should wait until they crow/lay.
For most breeds you can post pictures on here at 6 to 8 weeks, and folks in here should be able to tell male or female based on comb size and color. Silkies and Polish tend to take much longer, though.

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